PREVIEW Webzine ACC Vol. 83
The National Asian Culture Center and the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MMCA) have teamed up to present an exhibition that feels like a gift. An exhibition that excites just with the name “Picasso,” so let’s embark on this brilliant journey crafted by the hands of a master artist.
“Yojaya Yojaya” is a work choreographed by contemporary dancer Ahn Eun-me, commissioned by the Korea National Contemporary Dance Company. This tribute performance showcased on the stage of the ACC Theater is dedicated to the new women who lived intensely in their time.
Introducing “ACC Wednesday Theater,” a curated selection of outstanding performances on screen, and in our Series Editorial, we explore the intersection of tradition and modernity in the history of modern theater through Korea’s first modern theater and the Sinyeongeuk (new theatre) “Eunsegye (Silvery World).”
Through Korea’s first modern theater, “Wongaksa,” and the Sinyeongeuk (New Theatre) “Eunsegye (Silvery World),” we explore how Western-style theaters and new forms of drama navigated tradition and ultimately combined with our cultural heritage, bridging the gap between tradition and modernity.
A character-based animation festival for parents with young children and their kids to enjoy together during the summer vacation, planning a fun weekend in the height of summer
From Kim Chang-wan Band, representing the history of Korean popular music, to Kayhan Kalhor, a world-renowned master of Persian music, the ACC World Music Festival is a convergence of popular appeal, tradition, experimentation, and artistry.
As part of the ACC Professionals’ “Competency Building Program,” the “Unreal Engine Boot Camp” was conducted, bringing together creators and producers from various genres across the country. Let’s hear from the workshop participants about what they found useful and how they felt they grew through the experience.

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