Experience Outstanding Performances through Live Recordings

“ACC Wednesday Theater”

Every first and third Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m., a special theater experience arrives at ACC. “ACC Wednesday Theater” is a program that screens carefully selected outstanding performances across various genres on a large screen, including theater, musicals, opera, classical music, Korean traditional music, ballet, and art circus. People gather in groups to explore nearby exhibitions, chat while waiting in the lounge, and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of a Wednesday evening. For some, it’s a hobby; for others, it’s a cultural experience.

Cultural Evenings on Wednesday, “Wednesday Theater”

It’s surprising to see how many people in Gwangju are now enjoying this kind of cultural life. Not long ago, I was amazed to notice that more and more elderly visitors were coming to the library to read. I once met a retired person who was attending lectures in subjects they had always wanted to study, and another who took art classes to engage in conversations with their art-loving children.

ACC has also seen a growing number of regular visitors who come specifically to enjoy performances. The increasing number of people attending lectures, starting new learning journeys, or simply appreciating art and performances is a positive trend.

“ACC Wednesday Theater” is a regular screening program that was first introduced in 2022 in collaboration with the Seoul Arts Center’s “SAC ON SCREEN.” It was designed to help bridge the cultural gap in the region and provide audiences with diverse cultural experiences by screening live recordings of carefully selected outstanding works from both domestic and international sources that are not easily accessible locally. This year, the range of content has been expanded to include not only “SAC ON SCREEN,” “National Art Organizations,” and “International Renowned Theaters” but also video content from the ARKO Arts Archive of the Arts Council Korea, offering an even wider variety of genres.

Meeting the Audience of “Wednesday Theater”

Before entering the theater, I met a regular attendee of Wednesday Theater, Choi Seung-hee (70). She introduced herself as a seventy-year-old and shared that she has followed ACC since its opening, actively participating in the Wednesday Theater, Humanities Lectures, performances, and music programs. I was astonished when she showed me her packed schedule on her phone. Every lecture and performance she intends to attend is meticulously recorded, with reminders set for the day when reservations open. It’s been a while since I’ve met someone so passionate.

She mentioned that it’s a great opportunity to enjoy high-quality performances from various genres right here in Gwangju. A tip from this Wednesday Theater fan is that reservations open two weeks before the screening at 10 a.m., and if you set an alarm and start trying five minutes before opening, you’re almost guaranteed to get a seat.

What Performances Can You See at Wednesday Theater?

“Othello” was being screened on the day I attended. Despite the rain forecast, the theater was packed, likely because it was a famous play. The masterpiece “Othello” by the great literary figure William Shakespeare is a profound tragedy that delves deep into human nature, showing how fragile human trust is and how easily it can be shattered. The story centers around Othello, the Moorish general of Venice, his faithful wife Desdemona, and Iago, the man who deceitfully convinces Othello that his wife has been unfaithful, leading to Othello’s increasing jealousy and the ensuing tragedy for him and those around him. Though much time has passed, the tragic story created by Shakespeare seems to continue even in the era we live in today.

The 150-minute runtime flew by. While the experience of watching a performance on a large screen might lack some of the immediacy of a live show, it’s easy to become immersed in the story, much like watching a movie. The fact that we can watch two carefully selected, high-quality performances from Seoul each month, for free, means we now have more options for cultural activities.

Upcoming performances from August to December include “Praise of Death” (Musical), “A riveder le stelle: Gala Scala Concert” (Classical Concert), “The Magic Flute” (Opera), “Shim Chung” (Ballet), “Riquet à la Houppe” (Play), “Jongmyo Jeryeak (Royal Ancestral Ritual Music in the Jongmyo Shrine)” (Korean Traditional Music), “Christoph Eschenbach & KBS Symphony Orchestra” (Classical Concert), and “La Bohème” (Opera).

Reservation Restrictions for No-show Customers

The “ACC Wednesday Theater” opens ticket reservations two weeks before the screening date, but because of the free nature of the program, a reservation no-show policy is in place to minimize no-shows. (If a customer fails to attend more than twice in a year, they will be restricted from reserving free performances for 30 days starting from the second no-show date.)
If you cannot attend after reserving a ticket, please cancel your reservation by noon the day before the performance (Screening) to allow other guests the opportunity to attend. Your small actions contribute to fostering a more considerate audience culture.
*For more details on ticket openings and the no-show policy, please refer to the ACC website.


So Nayoung (nayeongso@daum.net)
ACC, Photography by Song Giho of DESIGNIAM
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