Stories of May 18, Delivered from the Heart

Review: “ACC May Guide Training Program”

The spirit of democracy, human rights, and peace

Located on the former site of the Jeollanam-do Provincial Office, the National Asian Culture Center (ACC) has implemented a wide range of programs that promote its core values: democracy, human rights, and peace. These programs include the national tour of the performance “The Voices of Mothers in May;” “Story of May Puzzle,” which visualizes the historic sites of the May 18 Democratic Uprising through a puzzle; “Story of May Buried in the Heart,” a program that visits historic sites of the May 18 Democratic Uprising and introduces the stories of May Families; the Traditional Arts Performance of Democracy, Human Rights, and Peace and the Network; Contest on Content of Democracy, Human Rights, and Peace; and other cooperative performances, content production, exchange projects, and contests.

This year, the 44th anniversary of the May 18 Democratic Uprising will feature a variety of exhibitions, performances, and events that examine the significance of democracy, human rights, and peace through art. “The Voices of Mothers in May” will tour Jeju on May 15, Gwangju on May 25, and Seoul on June 1. The immersive performance “I Wasn’t There in Gwangju” will be held May 15–18. ACC’s Yeolin Madang will host the “ACC Democracy & Human Rights & Peace Theater Festival” on May 18–26, while stories of May Families and the historic sites will be shared through the “Story of May Buried in the Heart” and the “ACC Democracy & Human Rights & Peace Webtoon Contest.”

2024 ACC May Guide Training Program

The ACC May Guide Training Program is the first guide training program to be hosted by the ACC. Previously, May programs were put together with the help of external guides. This new training program aims to elevate the qualities of May programs offered by the ACC annually and contribute to disseminating the values of democracy, human rights, and peace through high-quality education.

A key feature of this training program is its focus on capacity-building. While previous guide training programs centered on the stories of the May 18 Democratic Uprising and basic historical facts, this May Guide Training Program aims to strengthen the guides’ diverse capacities required for their work.

Ms. Kim Hyeon-jin, who participated in the program as a guide, described the writing class as follows: “When I wrote down the words that I had spoken to the participants in the guide program, I realized that the construction of my speech can change the way it is delivered.”

Another guide, Ms. Lee Yeong-hui, emphasized the necessity of the CPR program: “As I took part in the CPR course, I thought that if an emergency occurred during my guide work, this would be an essential skill to have in the field.”

Participants also expressed their appreciation of the lecture “Speaking with Delivery,” offered by Na Seon-hui, a former announcer, for teaching them that it is important not only to relay facts accurately to the audience but also to engage the audience effectively through vocalization, breathing, and tone.

May 18 that we didn’t know, May 18 that is still ongoing

Ms. Kim Hyeon-jin and Ms. Lee Yeong-hui have already attended Gwangju Women’s Association’s “May Women’s History Guide” program, but most participants had no prior experience in guide training. One participant emphasized the importance of continued historical education and program operation, saying “I’ve been living in Gwangju for nearly 50 years and thought that I knew a lot about the May 18, but I realized through the program that there was so much about May 18 that I did not know, and that misunderstandings and ignorance may be even more prevalent among those who have not lived in Gwangju.”

In meetings and conversations with May Mothers, they say, “Some stories are boring, emotional, and are rendered unspeakable due to anger, but all of them convey messages that go beyond words and writing.” Many guides who took part in the program echoed this sentiment: “It is our task as guides to relay the stories that the May Mothers have buried in their hearts through our own hearts.”

Ms. Cheon Geum-hee says:

“Humans are born with life and rights.
The open and free space we enjoy, like the ACC, was not granted to us out of the blue.”

  • The “Story of May Buried in the Heart,” supervised by the very first of the ACC May Guides, will offer 16 tours from May 8 to 26. Registration is available through the ACC website. Because of renovation works in the ACC Culture Exchange, this year’s event will be held in Jeonil Building 245.
  • The “ACC Democracy & Human Rights & Peace Webtoon Contest” will commemorate the May 18 Democratic Uprising and promote the values of democracy, human rights, and peace. The contest will be held from Apr. 1 (MON) to Jun. 16 (SUN) of 2024. For more details, please refer to the ACC website.


Gu Taeo (
Photography by Song Giho of Design House IM
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