<2023 ACC Cultural ODA Workshop
Inviting Kyrgyzstan and Laos>

The Path of Solidarity in Preserving and Documenting Asian Culture

As the scorching heat subsided and the autumn colors began to spread, special guests visited the Asia Culture Center. It was an invitational training group composed of museum, art gallery, and cultural department officials from Kyrgyzstan and Laos. In Kyrgyzstan, prominent cultural institutions such as the National Historical Museum, National Art Museum, Przhevalsky Museum, Nomad Civilization Center, and Suleiman-Too National Historical Archaeological Museum actively participated. In Laos, representatives from the National Museum, National Library, and the Luang Prabang Royal Palace Museum were also present. This event served as another achievement of the ongoing Asian Culture ODA (Official Development Assistance) project that the ACC has been consistently promoting since its opening.

Establishment of Digital Cultural Resource Management Systems through the Cultural Sector’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) Project

ACC has been dedicated to the sustainable cultural development and exchange among Asian countries, driven by the vision of being the window for Asian culture towards the world. One of the flagship projects is the cultural sector’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) project, which aims to digitize the rich cultural resources of Asian developing countries and enhance their capacity in cultural content management. The project to establish a cultural resource management system in Myanmar was conducted from 2018 to 2021, and since last year, similar projects have been underway with Kyrgyzstan and Laos. This project, planned for a total of four years, aims to support the establishment of digital cultural resource management systems and enhance the capacity for cultural content development in each country. As the project enters its second year, it is already achieving noticeable results.

“The Opening of “Digital Archiving Rooms” in Kyrgyzstan and Laos Establishing a Foundation for Conserving and Utilizing Cultural Resources”

Following the National Historical Museum and National Art Museum in Kyrgyzstan last November, the opening of the “Digital Archiving Room” at the Nomad Civilization Center in April this year further digitized cultural resources. In December of last year, “Digital Archiving Rooms” were also established at the National Library and National Museum in Laos. Indeed, by establishing a digital management infrastructure, it has become possible to preserve the cultural resources of both countries in a permanent manner, which previously experienced difficulties in managing them in an analog manner.

  • Lee Kanghyun | President of the Asia Culture Center

    “Over the past year and a half, as a result of international collaboration, a digital cultural resource management system has been developed for use by the cultural departments of Kyrgyzstan and Laos. Now is the time to consider the stability and potential utilization of this system. We hope that this invitational workshop will be of practical help for both countries.”

Education, ACC Tours, Q&A Sessions, and Discussions Participatory Workshops that Encourage Collaboration and Communication Among Participants

The invited workshop, consisting of various educational programs, was not a one-way knowledge transfer but a participatory workshop where participants from each country communicated and actively participated together. “Handling Photos and Images for Digital Archiving (by Ryu Seon-hee, ACC Researcher, and Choi Ji-hyeon, Author),” “The Importance of Intellectual Property Rights in Digitalizing Museum Collections (by Lee Cheol-nam, Professor at Chungnam University),” “Creating an Engaging Museum: Development of Cultural Content (by Kim Hyeong-geun, Research Professor at Jeonbuk University),” “Methodology for Cultural Content Development: “Storytelling Structure (by Oh Se-min, Research Professor at Jeonbuk University),” are some of the practical training sessions that comprised the experience and knowledge of domestic experts. The lecture on “Enhancement Strategy of Kyrgyz Cultural Resource Management System through Kiosk Integration (Park Seon-cheol, CICS IT Director)” attracted significant interest from participants from Kyrgyzstan’s museums. Furthermore, representatives from the National Historical Museum, National Art Museum, and the Nomad Civilization Center of Kyrgyzstan shared the digitalization status and prospects of their respective institutions, allowing for more specific and progressive discussions tailored to local context.

  • Almaku Chukov Keneshbek | Director of Kyrgyz Frunze Museum

    “I attended many lectures during the workshop, and personally, the lecture on ‘Methodology for Cultural Content Development: Storytelling Techniques’ was extremely helpful to me. The lecture provided insights on how to utilize cultural content to attract more visitors to museums and make exhibitions more engaging. It was a very valuable lecture for those of us working in the field, as it introduced practical approaches to enhancing our professional practice.”

During the education and discussion sessions, there were also allocated times for visiting the Asia Culture Center. Participants showed great interest in the unique atmosphere of the Asia Culture Center, including the Asia Culture Museum, Children’s Culture Center, Culture Creation Center, and Art Theater. It was also a time to realize and appreciate the present-day South Korea, which in 70 years has transformed from a recipient of aid to a country that spreads Korean cultural content worldwide. As participants from other Asian countries, it was a time to nurture hope and inspiration. Above all, this invitational workshop took place during the Asia Culture Week under the theme of “Asia, Going Forward Together,” making it even more significant and special. The vibrant workshop was accompanied by various performances, exhibitions, and events that embodied the passion for cultural exchange within the Asian community, creating a festive atmosphere.

  • We took a tour of the Asia Culture Center, and there were several aspects that left a strong impression.

    Jypar Isaeva | Head of Graphic Department at the Kyrgyz National Art Museum

    “While touring the ACC, I was very impressed by the excellent management of humidity and temperature, as well as the consideration given to the lighting levels when installing the artwork. It was truly fascinating. The exhibition of Vietnamese artwork was also impressive, and I found it particularly innovative how the Kyrgyz epic poetry special exhibition utilized 3D technology. It was truly something new and exciting. I found it very helpful as well, thinking that there are aspects that we can apply in our own art museum in the future.”

  • Abdikalykova Gulbara | Director of The National Historical and Archaeological Museum Complex Sulayman

    “Touring the ACC, I was deeply impressed by the overall digitization and archival work, as well as the utilization of digital technology such as kiosks throughout the center. Upon returning to Kyrgyzstan, I plan to share the experiences and knowledge gained here with my colleagues and other relevant professionals in order to promote mutual learning and growth. I look forward to it.”

“Priming Water” - Reviving Asia’s Precious Cultural Heritage

After completing the 3-night 4-day workshop at the Asia Culture Center, the invited participants spent two more days in Seoul, visiting the National Museum of Korea and the National Folk Museum of Korea, among others, before heading back home. The cultural official development assistance (ODA) provided by the ACC to Kyrgyzstan and Laos still has many tasks ahead in the future. In the second half of this year, the performing agency for Kyrgyzstan, the Intangible Cultural Research Institute, will visit Kyrgyzstan to conduct capacity-building training and workshops. Furthermore, there are plans for installing kiosks and studio equipment at the National Art Museum, as well as the upcoming opening of the digital archiving room at the Frunze Museum and The National Historical and Archaeological Museum Complex Sulayman. Similarly, there are plans to continuously support Laos in managing and utilizing its national resources, such as culture, nature, and cultural heritage, in digital form, which are scattered throughout the country.

Kyrgyzstan, harboring the Silk Road, and Laos, with its hidden treasures in Southeast Asia. By the completion of this project in 2025, the numerous tangible and intangible cultural assets held by both countries will be shared with the world, bringing inspiration and joy to a wider audience. Indeed, the efforts and dedication of the Asia Culture Center, acting as a bridge along this journey, will shine even brighter.

  • Ibikiyeva Nurzat | Specialist at the Department of Cultural Information and Sports Policies, Kyrgyz Ministry of Culture, Information, and Youth Policy

    “When we started the project last year, only three museums participated. However, the number of museums involved in the project has been increasing, which I believe will greatly contribute to the overall development of Kyrgyzstan's culture. We are gaining a lot of helpful insights and knowledge through this workshop, especially on how to provide more high-quality content. We sincerely appreciate your efforts in fostering the cultural development of Kyrgyzstan.”

Yoo Yeon-hui (heyjeje@naver.com)
DESIGNIAM Photographer Song Ki-ho
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