Exploring the ACC Gift Shop, DLAC

Carrying a meaning that is both distinct and connected within Asian culture

A welcoming space has opened its doors next to the wide plaza of the ACC. It is a gift shop called DLAC that captures the essential symbolism of the ACC. Having been known as the ACC Culture Shop and operated as such, it has now been reborn into a space filled with products that encompass the essence of the ACC, welcoming us once again after a period of absence. Let's hear the story of the ACC Foundation's Cultural Business Development Team, who dedicated a great deal of effort leading up to the grand reopening on Jun. 30, from Manager Oh Hyeon-hwa.

  • I was quite pleased with the newly renovated ACC's gift shop. What was even more delightful was the name “gift shop.” It feels more endearing and intimate compared to commonly used names like “art shop” or “culture shop.” As I looked at the displayed items, I was able to reminisce about the various exhibitions and events held at the ACC. In addition to that, the name DLAC, which is newly introduced as a cultural merchandise brand, also seems to have a unique meaning. The English meaning and the nuance in Korean are naturally connected, so please tell us about the background and the meaning behind the name DLAC.

    The ACC Culture Shop was renewed as the “Asian Culture Center Gift Shop DLAC” and opened on Jun. 30. DLAC is an acronym formed from the initial letters of “Dots and Lines to Asian Culture,” representing the meaning “distinct and connected Asian culture.” It draws inspiration from the symbolism of the ACC Foundation, which operates the store. “Dots” represents “people,” and “lines” represents “art.” Through products that carry stories intersecting Asian cultures, it has infused the hope that consumers can encounter the aesthetics of Asia, the essence of materials, and the essence of meaningful living. Based on more extensive research, there are plans to continue operating ACC Gift Shop DLAC in the future.

DLAC's signature product line incorporating the screen printing technique
  • The previous ACC Culture Shop, which was located across from the current ACC Gift Shop, was closed down and remained inactive for some time. How much did you prepare for the opening of the gift shop?

    During the first half of 2022, we began the process of developing our product brand. In the process, we realized the importance of creating and operating a space that symbolizes the brand and conveys its value. As we solidify the brand and products, we have been preparing for the grand opening by further developing our offerings. Starting from the second half of the year, we will initiate space branding projects as well. We began temporary operations in alignment with the ACC's 7th-anniversary opening in November last year, and we officially inaugurated the main facility on Jun. 30 this year.

  • We also have products linked to the ongoing 2023 ACC Context exhibition titled <Walking, Wandering> at the ACC Creation. In addition, we offer products connected to various contents, including past exhibitions and events that took place before. How did you structure the main products, and what is the product that you hold the most affection for, if there is one?

    DLAC aims to continuously present lifestyle products made in collaboration with Asian artists, exhibiting the unique characteristics and devotion of Asia. “DLAC” includes DLAC Signature, DLAC Content, DLAC Kids, and Do! DLAC as the product lineup. These also happen to be the names of our projects.

    For me, the development process of the MOVE AND MOVE product, which is the first ACC content-related collaboration product after the Asia Culture Center Foundation took charge of product development, in partnership with artist Um Ah-rong and Airsland, stands out in memory. In addition, the DLAC Signature product line, which made its debut in collaboration with SAA, is composed of design products that incorporate screen printing techniques. We put a lot of effort into creating products that are more accessible to the general public.

  • The books displayed inside the store also caught my attention. I noticed that the books prominently displayed were children's books consistently planned and produced by the ACC, based on Central Asian folktales and other themes. I am aware that there have been exhibitions based on the content of these books at the Play Library, as well as consistent planning of projects such as researching Asia and producing books. Not only that, but the ACC's presence was also well represented in the current and past exhibition catalogs. Please introduce some unique books sold at the store.

    The ACC publishes a wide range of books through research, exchange, and creative projects. At our foundation, we are currently preparing ACC content books, as well as the inaugural issue of “verb <Walk>.” Readers can find the inaugural issue, which contains stories from various fields such as science, ecology, technology, and cultural anthropology, with the theme of “walking,” at the store in December this year. We hope you have high expectations as you will be able to encounter even more vivid stories in addition to exhibitions.

  • The display shelves with a great sense of wood texture were also impressive, along with the various products. Considering the flow inside the store, it felt like watching a cohesive exhibition. Did you have any special considerations when designing the space layout?

    The foundation planned the retail stores and brand through close collaboration with designers and experts. With a comprehensive understanding of spatial situations, the aim was to create spaces from a functional and aesthetic perspective. In addition to the function of selling products, the space was designed to serve as a showcase where collaborators can continuously utilize the space as a platform. It aimed to incorporate various functions, such as providing a space for consumers to rest, experience products, and make purchases, while also creating a unique and personalized environment.

  • Finally, there must have been a lot of hard work involved in the process leading up to the opening. I'm curious if there were any areas of regret or if there are any aspects that you are planning to approach with more attention and interest. Please share the message you would like to give to visitors to the gift shop.

    You will not only see improvements that need to be made in the future, but also experience a continuous change in the showcase content as it is regularly updated. We are currently preparing for the second half of the season's products, and we are also planning package products that you can share with your loved ones during the year-end holidays. Next year, we plan to develop an online platform to allow more customers to visit the ACC and our store.

    Lastly, we kindly ask for your attention to the DLAC store at the ACC, where we ponder the aesthetics and essence of contemporary Asian culture and materials, and strive to create and express them with sincerity and style.

Cultural Business Development Team, ACC Foundation Kwon Seong-ah (Team Leader), Oh Hyeon-hwa (Brand, Space, Product Planning), Park Min-woo (Brand, Product Planning), Park Joo-ha (Product Planning), Hwang Yu-jin (Store Operations), Kim So-yeon, Shim Eun-ju, Lee Da-hee (On-site Store Operations), Yoon Joo-hyeon, Lee Jae-ok (Brand Co-Planning), Dong Joon-mo (Space Design), SAA (DLAC BI and Signature Design)
Mun Hee-yeong (moonhy19@naver.com)
DESIGNIAM Photographer Song Ki-ho
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