ACC Customer Support Task Exploration Team
to Officially Commence Operations

A small but significant movement,

The Customer Support Team has come together.
Value connection and mutual growth though shared thoughts and actualization

Gathered by a shared passion for the ACC, uniting through a single sense of small accomplishment

The number of visitors to the Asia Culture Center (ACC) is increasing every year. As the perception toward the ACC is changing, there are those who first and often feel this change in perception. It is the ACC Customer Support Team, which is divided into the operations part, guide part, ticketing part, and call center. As they are the first and most frequent to interact with visitors, they are the ones who truly feel the reactions of the visitors.

Among the Customer Support Team composed of about 60 people, 7 recently formed a horizontal and positive internal gathering. It started with the hope that the ACC would become a safe and happy space for visitors. The intention is to foster a healthy culture that satisfies the mindset of "I can do it" and the desire for growth.

Those referred to as the "Task Exploration Team" play a role in collecting and sharing customer feedback and information related to the viewing environment. The goal is to contribute to creating an environment where the ACC and employees, as well as everyone, can grow. The value that these individuals emphasize is working while examining self-determined tasks, rather than being dictated by someone else or feeling burdened by the weight of everyday life. It is a gathering that embodies the desire for individual members to grow together by sharing their thoughts and experiences as they interact with visitors, rather than focusing on grand improvements to the ACC or activities specifically for ACC visitors. It can be considered a small but significant movement.

As a voluntary gathering, they each carve out time from their busy schedules to hold regular meetings once every two months. To ensure minimal disruption to their work, they utilize the time before the ACC opens at 10 AM, specifically 9 AM, or the lunch hour at noon, for their meetings.

Most of the seven members of the Customer Acquisition Team have been working at the ACC since its opening. Due to their long tenure, they have accumulated a wealth of experience by meeting various visitors at the ACC firsthand, more than anyone else. It is also one of the reasons why they have a great passion for the ACC. Even without any reward for their efforts, the fact that they could come together with just a small sense of accomplishment is because this outcome is the result of their passion for uncovering challenges.

  • "I decided to join the Customer Acquisition Team because I believed that my opinions, based on the experiences I have had in the field, could be realized."

    - Hwang Yeong-ji

  • "I believed that the development of the ACC would directly contribute to my own growth.
    I felt that in order for the ACC to progress, I needed to take my thoughts and aspirations and put them into action, which is why I decided to join."

    - Kim Gyeong-mi

  • “I wanted to experience a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment within the mundane routine of everyday life, rather than simply going through the motions.”

    - Lee Ji-yeong

  • "I put in hidden efforts that may not be visible on the field, but often the cases in the customer support team would end abruptly without leading to further progress in my work. I had a thirst for something more, and that eventually led me to engage in activities with the Customer Acquisition Team."

    - Kim Su-hyeon

Sharing exploration tasks derived from experience

The Task Exploration Team, which began full-fledged activities in March, held their second voluntary meeting on Apr. 27 at noon. While having lunch together, they candidly shared the tasks and thoughts they had discovered during the previous period of exploration. In this gathering, the seven members of the Task Exploration Team were joined by Director Lee Kang-hyeon.

During this gathering, the Task Exploration Team discussed the tasks they had explored up until that point. The exploration topics included the following: umbrella rental service, creation of a customer service best practices handbook, and smartphone & Internet assistance service for the elderly.

In particular, the umbrella rental service involves providing umbrellas for borrowing at each information desk in the facility. This task originated from a visitor's inquiry on a rainy day, asking if there was a way to avoid the rain while walking to the parking lot.

Additionally, the creation of a customer service best practices handbook involves soliciting exemplary customer service cases from not only the Task Exploration Team but also all employees in the Customer Support Team. Various stories are collected and compiled into a handbook for sharing and dissemination. The project originated from the idea of gathering various cases that could occur on-site and dealing with them more uniformly and smoothly.

In addition, participants shared that compared to the past when there were many comments about a lack of enjoyable spaces and content in relation to the large-scale facility, there has been an increase in positive perception of the ACC among all age groups over the past few years. They also noted an increase in inquiries about mobility routes and ongoing content, indicating that visitors are spending more time at the ACC, leading to higher revisit rates. Furthermore, they also shared the evolving situation of ACC visitors, including the increase in awareness discovered through satisfaction surveys, along with the changes happening in conjunction with the task exploration tasks.

The innovative tasks proposed by the Task Exploration Team are currently being discussed for their implementation and realization. This stage involves undergoing multi-faceted validation processes. As these explored tasks are gradually realized and established, it will enable the ACC to provide efficient services to its visitors.

A sense of fulfillment experienced while working, valuing mutual respect and fostering horizontal communication, rather than focusing solely on immediate benefits. The activities of the ACC Customer Support Task Exploration Team, imbued with the awareness of the ACC and the employees growing together, may be a beautiful reason in itself. We can look forward to the future endeavors of the ACC Customer Support Task Exploration Team, as they continue to advance and elevate their values beyond their duties.

Kim Tae-yeong (
DESIGNIAM photographer Song Ki-ho
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