Hope Giving Village

Culture & Art Sharing Campaign with Save the Children

# Holiday charity concert with Okdal

Many say that empathy is the greatest trait unique to humans. It is the ability to understand and identify with someone else’s feelings, whether they be sadness or joy. Perhaps it is the driving force of hope and all the miracles in the world. We are all hardwired for empathy, but many people need a trigger to bring it out. Just as the wind wakes up the leaves, and raindrops knock on the eaves, a charity concert featuring the band Okdal as part of the ACC’s Culture & Art Sharing Campaign awoke the empathy and sensitivity that lay dormant in us.

Okdal’s warm lyrics and soothing melodies connected hearts and minds in a comforting way. I felt like paying it forward by comforting and rooting for someone else. It gave me the hope and the peace of mind I needed to get through these trying times.

Culture & Art Sharing Campaign celebrating 7 years of ACC

Step into the lobby of the ACC Archive & Research, and you will come across a scene that looks right out of a Hallmark holiday card. The Hope Giving Village is a Culture & Art Sharing Campaign jointly launched by the ACC and Save the Children for the first time this year to mark the 7th anniversary of the center’s founding. The two sides signed an MOU last October to promote the spirit of giving through culture and art. Visitors are invited to write a message on a postcard and place it on the Christmas tree or make a donation into the unmanned box. They can also view works submitted to the climate change idea contest organized by Save the Children.

The exhibition is full of warmth and cheer as its name suggests. The Hope Giving Village is about giving, sharing happiness and making a difference. Anyone visiting the ACC can stay in the village to practice small acts of kindness. All proceeds from the donations will help support the needs of children with developmental disabilities.

“The Hope Giving Project is the ACC’s Culture & Art Sharing Campaign launched for the first time this year. We are committed to spreading the value of sharing in art and culture and encouraging voluntary participation among citizens. We need your support and generosity to come together and help those in need. I hope this campaign can be a small gesture of goodwill towards those experiencing difficult situations. The ACC will continue to work with Save the Children to promote the spirit of sharing and giving.”

Lee Hyeon-ju, Department of Exchange and Promotion, ACC

“Save the Children is striving for a world where all children are happy. We believe that the ACC’s Culture & Art Sharing Campaign will help make this world a better place for children. At Save the Children, we have been also running the Red Goats campaign since 2010 with an aim to reduce food insecurity and poverty in Africa. We would really appreciate your support in both campaigns.”

Kim Dong-kwan, President of West Regional Office, Save the Children

Holiday charity concert with Okdal

A charity concert featuring Okdal was held on the sidelines of the ACC campaign in the Book Lounge at the ACC Archive & Research on November 12. About 100 audience members weathered the rain to join the spirit of giving. The atmosphere was cozy, as the stage was nestled at the bottom of stairs in the lounge. With the band singing soft, sweet songs, the concert felt like a fairy tale come to life.

Okdal is a female duo of singer-songwriters, Kim Yoon-ju and Park Se-jin. The intimate and candid lyrics were the message they want the world to hear. Their songs were delivered with a playful yet sincere tone to comfort the audience. The band carefully selected heartwarming and inspirational songs to perform at this concert. They left the audience with a sense of hope and positivity, the very underlying message of the ACC campaign.

Holiday charity concert with Okdal
“You did well today. No one might be interested in your sorrow.
But I am always rooting for you. You did well, you did well, you did well today.”

-“You Did Well Today” by Okdal

One of the band’s biggest hits, “You Did Well Today,” whispered to us, ‘I feel your sorrow, and I am rooting for you.’ Perhaps for those feeling lonely and vulnerable, small words of encouragement and support might be the greatest antidote. It made me feel that I could be the one who can offer a shoulder to lean on to someone in distress and say, ‘You did well.’ It fact, it could be the best form of giving that I can practice at any given moment.

“Having less is a merit. All I have is youth.
I will open my arms wide to embrace the entire world and run.”

- “None the Better or Courage” by Okdal

In a world that apparently values having more, whether it be money or qualifications, Okdal calmly sings that having less is more. They have nothing to lose, and nothing to be afraid. They suggest that we take the courage to take a step forward. The rough patches we are going through will end someday, so we might as well start running now. The duo shares a powerful message of hope to the young and vulnerable who feel uncertain and fearful about the future.

Holiday charity concert with Okdal
“Don’t think that you are young, clumsy, and wrong.
You are really beautiful just the way you are.
Don’t try to change or define you just yet. You are doing a great job.”

- “Beautiful As You Are” by Okdal

“Days go by where we fall down in soft wind
and feel imperfect.
We need to walk on this long, at times lonely path.
We all need this time.
We all need time to grow up.

- “Coming of Age” by Okdal

No one becomes a grown-up in an instant. We all encounter obstacles, fall down, get back up, and grow up at our own pace. This endless cycle of trials and errors makes us who we are. This is why we should not rush anyone into growing up. Give them enough time and watch them grow up, and be there when they need us. Accept them as they are and tell them there is no need to try too hard and they are doing just fine. These simple gestures may be our greatest gift to each other. If we have someone like that around us, or if we can be that person to someone else, the world might be a slightly better place tomorrow. This is when the ACC’s Culture & Art Sharing Campaign comes alive.

Christmas tree celebrating 7 years of ACC

ACC’s Hope Giving Village exhibition started on November 8 and will continue till the end of the year. Bring your family or friends to take part in the holiday spirit of giving. If you share with others what you cherish most, you will be filled with greater happiness and joy. May the New Year bring us more opportunities to feel this way. I would like to close with “40,000 Won Goat,” Okdal’s song about showing love and compassion to children living in Africa.

“A goat costs only 40,000 won in Africa. So cheap!
If I cut down on one coffee per day,
They can have four goats per month.
If I don’t buy a piece of clothing for a month,
They can have five goats.
Let’s give them as a gift to our friends on the other side of the world.”

- “40,000 Won Goat” by Okdal

by Yoo Yeon-hui
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