Mid-to-Long-Term Development Plan Presentation

Asia Culture Center

# ACC Mid-to-Long-Term Development Plan Presentation

Even in the moments of greatest happiness and deepest misery, we need art.

-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe-

Architecture is found in stone, sculptures in wood, paintings in colors, words in sounds, and music in the cacophony. Art is different from a simple object, for it brings something together in the object. That is the reason why it is referred to as allegories or symbols.

The Asia Culture Center (ACC) captures contemporary Asia's numerous allegorical and symbolic moments, refines them from new perspectives and creative methods, and presents them to us through different artistic techniques. Having opened in 2015, the ACC is now in its 7th year. Throughout these seven years, the ACC has admirably fulfilled its role as an integrated cultural organization, researching and introducing Asian art and culture through creation, exchange, exhibition, performance, education, archiving, and other areas, acting as a window into the community and Asia.

In particular, this year is the first year of the ACC’s new integrated center system, through which the center has generated even greater achievements across different areas. Firstly, the establishment of a permanent experience exhibition in the form of the ACCex, the extension of Library Park and the ACC Creation’s opening hours, the opening of the Hanul Madang, and the permanent operation of the exterior Media Wall have reduced the access barrier to the ACC and drawn more visitors to it. Performance, exhibition, education, and other programs on offer have increased substantially from the last four years’ average, drawing even more visitors to the center. In addition, convergent creation and production programs, exhibition halls, and thematic programs have created a unique educational brand for the ACC as a new way for the organization to express its unique strength.

The ACC Mid-to-Long-Term Development Plan Presentation held on September 20, 2022 symbolized this next step for a more evolved and expanded the ACC. In preparation for the 10th anniversary of its opening, the ACC established a task force (TF) to develop its mid-to-long-term development plan. The TF oversaw nearly 40 internal meetings to develop the plan’s draft, which formed the basis for the public input and hearing sessions that followed.

This event was an event that I had personally been anticipating and had been curious about. Given the ACC’s role as a representative cultural exchange and cooperative platform not only for our regional community but also for Asia in general, I was, of course, curious about the vision and the mid-to-long-term plan that will guide the ACC going forward. Furthermore, this plan was developed not in isolation from the general public but by many people working together, so I was even more excited to see how it would turn out.

Indeed, this presentation was preceded by a community forum inviting community members to think together about the plan. The forum was attended by civic organizations, cultural art activists, other related community organizations, and ACC and ACCF (ACC Foundation) members to think about and discuss the ACC’s future, the community, and Asia. As feedback from this forum was reflected actively in the ACC’s Mid-to-Long-Term Development Plan, I had thought of the plan not as a top-down plan reflecting a minority’s idea of the future but rather as a combined product of labor and the blueprint for our common future.

# A presentation that broke stereotypes

In contrast to my preconception of presentations being serious and stuffy affairs, the ACC’s presentation was a bustling and active affair. The very first meeting with the presentation, the pre-event, drew out quite a following from the participants and created an atmosphere of anticipation for the things to come.

Stage technique show, the first in line for the pre-event, drew out much gasps of wonder and delight: the “Batten Show,” a dance with many lighting technologies that adorn Theater 1, was a stage technique show that leaned into the ACC’s technical and spatial characteristics. The “batten” dancing onstage with lighting and music demonstrated the capabilities and the possibilities that came with the cutting-edge technologies of the ACC’s Theater 1, the largest Black Box theater in Korea. It was a show that established the ACC’s uniqueness and its flamboyance in one glance. Next in line was a series of video interviews with creators, artists, and celebrities who had previously worked with ACC. Hearing their satisfaction with ACC’s creative process, technology, uniqueness, and convenience from their perspectives instilled in me a sense of pride in having such a wonderful cultural space in our community.

ACC Director Lee Kanghyun took the helm for the presentation. The plan contained the four goals, five directions that shall guide the ACC from 2023 to 2027, and the strategic structure that elaborates upon the mission, vision, and core values. The ACC’s basic operating direction is divided into two major fields, namely, the application of a new paradigm and the establishment of the organization’s identity. This represented ACC’s twofold commitment to the maintenance of its function, namely the collection, research, and exchange of Asian cultural resources; the creation and production of convergent content; and its paradigm shift from a creator-centered operation system to a user-centered one.

The ACC’s mission, announced as a part of this mid-to-long-term plan, was the “proliferation of Asian cultural values through cultural, art, and technological exchange and convergence,” which then shall serve as the basis for its four strategic goals, five directions, and tasks per area.

The ACC’s four new strategies are firstly defined into four areas, namely exchange, research (survey), creation & production, and distribution, enjoyment, & promotion. These strategic areas include strategic goals, such as strengthening the ACC’s role as a global hub of Asian cultural exchange, expanding cooperation with the community and domestic organizations to build up the community- state-global networks, collecting and producing Asian content sources, promoting Asian research and convergent content based on the creation of Asian convergent creation, promoting social awareness and understanding of Asian values through the expansion of user-oriented Asian contents, and finally, enhancing the ACC’s organizational capabilities to strengthen its accessibility and user satisfaction, thereby strengthening its organizational and service capabilities as a new integrated cultural organization.

To fulfill these strategic goals, the ACC established five core directions as representatives of this new change. The five core directions are defined as promoting Asian cultural exchange and cooperation, digitizing and distributing Asian cultural heritage, strengthening project lab functionality, user-oriented services, sustainable management, and strengthening community cooperation.

Accordingly, the ACC plans to first focus on promoting Asian cultural exchange and cooperation. The first step in that direction is the establishment of domestic and international networks that will assist the ACC’s function as an Asian cultural exchange platform. This will pave the way for expanding its roles in the promotion of the Asian artistic community and the development and operation of the ACC ODA (official development assistance) programs. The ACC also plans to expand its digitization and distribution efforts for Asian cultural heritage, allowing the creators in the private sphere to utilize them in their content development. The project lab function will also be strengthened as the basis for the ACC’s interdisciplinary research in art and technology, humanities and social sciences, convergent projects for art and technology, and exchange with other domestic and international creators.

To enable a more user-oriented service and sustainable management, The ACC plans to manage and enhance its customer service support systematically. For that goal, the ACC plans to develop user-oriented programs based on user demand and establish viewing environments and integrated guidance systems centered around user needs. Finally, it plans to establish a network encompassing the ACC and civil society, establishing a more regular communication and cooperation system.

As an occasion to present the results collected through numerous meetings, opinion collection, and public hearings, this presentation was an opportunity to meet a new vision that will guide the ACC as it pursues its new goal of being a world-class leader in contemporary Asian art and culture. The mid-to-long-term plan contained all the questions and efforts that will inform the ACC’s way forward, from new organizations for new beginnings to establishing a new direction for the community and Asia. Perhaps because of that, it was apparent that the plan was not only a theoretical structure for the organization but a result of a long and intense discussion and reflection about the community and Asian art and culture.

It has been seven years since the ACC opened its doors. Thanks to the ACC, we were able to meet the contents that had not been so accessible to the community, such as exhibitions, performances, and creative projects, in a place near our community. Thanks to the ACC, we had more memorable moments in our daily lives because of the special and new experiences we had through the organization. But through this presentation, the ACC plans to take a new step forward. With much greater diversity in its contents, the ACC will welcome Gwangju citizens. Through a more expanded Asian cultural exchange and creation system, it will welcome Asia in conversation with Gwangju.

The presentation was not merely for the ACC’s directions for the next five years. Five, ten, and twenty years later, the ACC will stay in step with the changing world to find and research new content in Asia beyond the community. But to do that, the ACC requires not only its members’ efforts but also the community’s attention and cooperation. As a member of the community myself, I hope to continue supporting The ACC’s future as a leading art and culture organization in Asia.

by Hana Park
Photography by
the ACC
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