Special Performances on Wednesdays ACC Wednesday Theater

ACC Wednesday Theater SAC ON SCREEN in ACC


Two red circles are drawn every month on the first and the third Wednesday in my calendar: these are the Asia Culture Center’s (ACC) ACC Wednesday Theater performance days. Along with the Seoul Arts Center’s SAC on Screen program, the ACC Wednesday Theater is a screening event for selected performances in Korea, starting at 19:00. There are 17 programs for this year’s event, featuring distinguished works like the musical The Last Empress, the first Korean musical to be performed on Broadway, and Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 from the Korean Symphony Orchestra. The program allows one to enjoy the selected works of the Seoul Arts Center from the comfort of the ACC.

  • Swing

    April 20, 2022 (WED)

  • Bongjangchwi (A Bird Story)

    May 4, 2022 (WED)

  • Peppermint Candy

    May 18, 2022 (WED)

  • La Bayadère

    June 1, 2022 (WED)


    June 15, 2022 (WED)

  • Pericles, Prince of Tyre

    July 6, 2022 (WED)

  • Treasure Island

    July 20, 2022 (WED)

  • NOVUS Quartet

    August 3, 2022 (WED)

  • Ahn Jung-geun,
    a Dance in the Heaven

    August 17, 2022 (WED)

  • Cross-Cut

    September 7, 2022 (WED)

  • Dvořák,
    From the New World

    September 21, 2022 (WED)

  • Hurrah of the Women

    October 5, 2022 (WED)

  • The Last Empress

    October 19, 2022 (WED)

  • The Spirit of Beethoven

    November 2, 2022 (WED)

  • Yun Bo-sun Salon Concert

    November 16, 2022 (WED)

  • The Nutcracker

    December 7, 2022 (WED)

  • The Magic Flute

    December 21, 2022 (WED)

For the first ACC Wednesday Theater program this May, I went to see the Seoul Arts Center’s musical theater Bongjangchwi (A Bird Story).

The ACC Wednesday Theater performance for the first week of May, A Bird Story
The ACC Wednesday Theater performance for the first week of May, A Bird Story

Going into the venue, I only knew that this piece was for children and their families and that it narrated the story of birds searching for their dream through traditional Korean music. The venue for this event was the ACC Theater 3, and many visitors already occupied it despite the evening hour. At first, I thought it would be unsatisfying as I would be watching recorded footage, removing a specific ambiance.

However, the film, which recorded all stage areas from multiple angles, delivered actors’ expressions, small props, and sounds that the footage proved to be more realistic than the actual performance. In particular, I discovered how A Bird Story transformed traditional Korean instruments into new and unexpected sounds and mundane props into fun and exciting stage elements. It also had a story that could appeal to children and grown-ups and a detailed structure that kept audiences at the edge of their seats. The laughter of the parents and the children never left the theater, spilling into the afterglow apparent in their smiling faces as they went.

May 18 ACC Wednesday Theater performance Peppermint Candy
May 18 ACC Wednesday Theater performance Peppermint Candy

The other performance for May is the grand opera Peppermint Candy, an epic that sings the light and shadows of May Gwangju. It will bring the production of Cho Gwang-hwa, a Gwangju-based playwright of national renown, and a regular performance by the Gwangju Metropolitan Opera.

  • La Bayadère

    June 1, 2022 (WED)


    June 15, 2022 (WED)

For June, the ACC Wednesday Theater brings the unique and mystical spectacle of the Universal Ballet Company’s La Bayadère and the gala concert DITTO PARADISO for the 10th anniversary of DITTO.

Universal Ballet Company’s La Bayadère is a blockbuster ballet performance consisting of 150 dancers, 400 costumes, and a massive stage set. It is often considered one of the most dramatic ballets in the classical ballet tradition. An enormous elephant, 2 m high and 200 kg heavy with a 1 m–long trunk, appears onstage and shares it with the dancers—their presence rivaling that of the elephant. DITTO PARADISO is a gala concert put onstage by an all-star cast of DITTO members, past and present, like violist Richard Yongjae O’Neill and pianist Dong-hyek Lim. It is a celebration of chamber music with classics from Mozart and Bach as the stars look back to the past 10 years of their work and promise their cooperation for the next 10 years.

  • Pericles, Prince of Tyre

    July 6, 2022 (WED)

  • Treasure Island

    July 20, 2022 (WED)

July will see the hidden Shakespearean masterpiece Pericles, Prince of Tyre and Treasure Island, a century-old tale of adventure and excitement.

Pericles, Prince of Tyre is a masterpiece that symbolizes the romantic leanings of the late Shakespeare and a masterful retelling of the titular Pericles’ adventures.

  • NOVUS Quartet

    August 3, 2022 (WED)

  • Ahn Jung-geun,
    a Dance in the Heaven

    August 17, 2022 (WED)

For August, performances by NOVUS Quartet, a string quartet whose robust and balanced technique symbolizes the best of Korean artistry, and the theater drama Ahn Jung-geun, a Dance in the Heaven are planned.

Ahn Jung-geun, a Dance in the Heaven is a work based on the last words of Ahn Jung-geun, an independence activist who dreamed of a liberated and free world even in death. It is a dramatic ballet performance that shows this young hero and human’s life and philosophy to commemorate the liberation of Korea.

  • Cross-Cut

    September 7, 2022 (WED)

  • Dvořák,
    From the New World

    September 21, 2022 (WED)

September will see the performances of Cross-Cut from the Korea National Contemporary Dance Company and Dvořák, From the New World.

Cross-Cut is a 2014 lecture-performance where the Korea National Contemporary Dance Company members bring their expertise in traditional Korean dance, contemporary dance, ballet, and street dance on stage with stories of these dance forms. It presents a new form of performance-documentary to the list of this event’s performances.

  • Hurrah of the Women

    October 5, 2022 (WED)

  • The Last Empress

    October 19, 2022 (WED)

October’s performances are the Hurrah of the Women, a funny and tear-inducing journey of self-discovery by a middle-aged woman, and the modern masterpiece The Last Empress.

The Last Empress is a landmark performance in the history of Korean musicals, first put onstage in December 1995 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the main character’s assassination. It captures her identity as a loving mother and a woman in politics who had to defend her state against the chaos of imperialism.

  • The Spirit of Beethoven

    November 2, 2022 (WED)

  • Yun Bo-sun Salon Concert

    November 16, 2022 (WED)

In November, the ACC Wednesday Theater will offer the chamber music festival Yun Bo-sun Salon Concert and the Korean Symphony Orchestra’s rendition of Beethoven’s most beloved work in Korea, The Spirit of Beethoven.

The 193rd regular concert of the Korean Symphony Orchestra, The Spirit of Beethoven, brings to stage the two well-known works of Piano Concerto No. 5, Beethoven’s the “Emperor,“ and Symphony No. 5 in C minor, also known as “Fate Symphony.”

  • The Nutcracker

    December 7, 2022 (WED)

  • The Magic Flute

    December 21, 2022 (WED)

December is the month of masterpiece ballet: the romantic story of The Nutcracker and Mozart’s masterwork The Magic Flute—all put onstage by the Korean National Ballet.

Notably, The Nutcracker combines the majestic music of Tchaikovsky, the technical excellence of the Korean National Ballet, spectacular structure, and charming story into a wonderful holiday gift for all ages.

  • 2022.5


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