Title: ACCessible ACC: No More Fatigue!

Improving Accessibility and Convenience for Visitors to ACC


We want you to see and feel more
of this art and cultural space.
But if you can’t complete the tour,
it could be because of fatigue!

“A must-visit place for photographs,” “a hot place for cultural connoisseurs,” and “a perfect day trip for performances, exhibitions, and communities!” No other place earns such enthusiastic reviews. There are sites where performances, exhibitions, and communities come together to form a space you can get lost in for hours. There is the Naoshima Island beyond the straits and Yongnidan-gil at Yongsan, Seoul. Sinan-gun has the Aphaedo Island’s bonsai park and the Sunset Museum, which stands on a great hill of camellia flowers during the winter. These places inspire you to seek out more, and you know that you’re ready to jump in and go right away. But … going to exhibitions, performances, and exploring cultural spaces all use up a great deal of energy. Even if you go in with starry eyes, the enthusiasm often drains out as the sore feet start, leaving you unmotivated to continue. Even the greatest arts and culture can’t go through sagging eyelids and touch overworked hearts. Instead of a free-spirited wild horse running through the garden of culture, we become like lame donkeys, tired and only looking to lie down. When that happens, we inevitably tell ourselves that there’s nothing more to see and go back home.

The front view of ACC

Too tired to enjoy the benefits of culture?
The ACC’s got you covered with new facilities!
A nonstop relief from the Hanul Madang
to the exhibitions and performances in the ACC—
problem solved with an outdoor escalator!

The Asia Culture Center (ACC) unfortunately isn’t free from this hindrance. If you’re there to see a performance, check out some exhibitions on the way. Visit the ACC Hanul Madang, adjacent with the Democracy Plaza. Why not check out the Dongmyeong-dong or Geumnam Underground Shopping Mall too? It’s a great plan; the problem is the execution. Cars won’t help you there. You only have your two feet to carry you through the three-to-four–hour course. But ye who are unfit, do not despair! The ACC now has a much simpler path for visitors to move through. Take the first step to a more convenient and accessible ACC!

An outdoor escalator
An outdoor escalator

In the winter of 2021, the ACC introduced its greatest accessibility feature: an outdoor escalator. Opened in November 17, the outdoor escalator connects the Hanul Madang’s entrance on the ground level to the ACC Creation on the third underground floor. The Hanul Madang, the foremost visitor-friendly space in the ACC, is a popular spot where people come to hang out, enjoy performances, and lay out mats on the ground. But for the visitors to go to the ACC Creation or Theater, where the ACC’s performances and exhibitions are held, they had to take a long detour toward the Democracy Plaza. This nifty escalator, however, brings the visitors right from the park to the performances and exhibitions. This means that you can effortlessly jump right into the beating heart of Asian culture! At the very least, you will certainly have the strength to enjoy the art more thoroughly.

An outdoor escalator
An outdoor escalator

The escalator connects the Dongmyeong-dong, the “Dongnidan-gil,” with the Hanul Madang and the ACC. But that’s not the only benefit of this escalator: it allows you to take the escalator into the ACC, go through Parking Lot A and into the Geumnam Underground Shopping Mall. This is the most direct path connecting the Dongmyeong-dong area to the shopping mall area. At any rate, the escalator is certainly going to be more than a simple passage. Starting next year, the escalator is expected to have media art works exhibited on its roof, which was installed for protection against the snow and rain, It will be a remarkable addition to the ACC, offering both accessibility and artistic quality!

It’s cool! It’s got a great view!
- Review of the reinforced glass fence on Plaza Bridge

A view of the city center and the Mudeungsan Mountain!
- Review on the ACC Children’s rooftop garden and observatory

on Plaza Bridge
on Plaza Bridge

The Plaza Bridge connecting the Dongmyeong-dong area with the Democracy Plaza also underwent a makeover. The view was now wide open as the top of the railing was replaced with tempered glass panels that were as high as an adult's chest. It used to be the case that when you walked on the bridge, you would come across the ACC Theater and other areas that held events, but wouldn’t be able to see them because of the fence. The new reinforced glass portion of the fence now allows us to fully see the interior ACC area. Furthermore, you could theoretically see the performances from the bridge as if it were a faraway standing seat.

The observation deck
The newly refurbished rooftop garden of the ACC Children
The observation deck
The view of Gwangju from the observation deck

This is joined by a new addition to the ACC’s scenery: the Sangsang Madang, the newly refurbished rooftop garden of the ACC Children. The playground, rest facilities, and observation deck are sure to be loved by everyone regardless of their age. The observation deck offers a 360-degree view of Gwangju, Chosun University, and the Mudeungsan Mountain in the distance. The view of Gwangju from the observation deck during sunset is one that shouldn’t be missed.

Hanul Madang
Hanul Madang

If the new addition to the Sangsang Madang emphasizes the scenery, the addition to Hanul Madang added a special touch to emphasize the view of the ground with the silver grasses near the walking trails that have been replaced with nearly 20,000 seasonal flowers. Now we have something new to look forward to, the sky garden and seasonal changes at Hanul Madang— Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter!

The new ACC signboard established at the front of Gate 3

Another environmental improvement emphasizes the ACC’s profile: the new ACC signboard established at the front of Gate 3, which is connected to the intersection in front of the Dong-gu Office. The intersection establishes the ACC, the arts and cultural center of Asia, in a highly visible signboard surrounded by plants. Once the plants begin to bloom, it will certainly become a photo zone for the ACC’s visitors.

Easier on the eyes, lighter on the legs—even though these changes are small, they are the reasons why you should visit the ACC this winter.

  • Written by Choi Min Im samagg@hanmail.net
    Photography by In Ho Hwang photoneverdie@naver.com



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