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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center



  • 日時2024.10.24.(木) - 10.25.(金)
  • 時間木 13:00-17:30
    金 10:30-18:30
  • 場所劇場3
  • 対象大人
  • 定員230席
  • 料金 無料
  • 予約オンライン事前申込
  • お問い合わせ+82-1899-5566

봄의 선언



The National Asian Culture Center is pleased to host a pre-international symposium ahead of the special exhibition Manifesto of Spring, which commemorates the institution’s 10th anniversary in 2025. Manifesto of Spring raises a profound question about the current struggles for democracy in our lives today. The spring of Gwangju, which faded like the blossoms, has become a silent spring, one that may not return. We now seek to sense the strategies of capitalism beyond the vanished spring and explore alternatives and practices through life and art.

This symposium features Anna Tsing, author of The Mushroom at the End of the World, who reflects on life’s possibilities amid the ruins of capitalism through the lens of the matsutake mushroom, and Jason W. Moore, a key figure in world-ecology theory, who coined the concept of the "Capitalocene" to complement the Anthropocene. Together, we will examine the latest discourses on the Anthropocene and Capitalocene alongside new artistic approaches. In addition, partnering institutions ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe and M+ Museum, collaborators of Manifesto of Spring, will share their insights through a roundtable discussion on these critical themes.

Through the lens of Anna Tsing, author of The Mushroom at the End of the World, who explores the possibilities of life emerging from the ruins of capitalism, 

We invite you to join us in envisioning a future democracy that coexists with non-humans and multi-species beings.

M+ is a museum dedicated to collecting, exhibiting, and interpreting visual art, design and architecture, moving image, and Hong Kong visual culture of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. In Hong Kong’s West Kowloon Cultural District (WestK), it is one of the largest museums of modern and contemporary visual culture in the world, with a bold ambition to establish ourselves as one of the world’s leading cultural institutions. M+ is a new kind of museum that reflects our unique time and place, a museum that builds on Hong Kong’s historic balance of the local and the international to define a distinctive and innovative voice for Asia’s twenty-first century.

Founded in 1989, the ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe stands worldwide for an open concept of art in the digital age. Here, art collecting and archive research are linked with artistic research on the electronic arts. Through these interdisciplinary connections, ZKM not only presents milestones of 20th and 21st century media art, but also contributes to its further development. Whether exhibitions, symposia, publications, concert programs, or digital formats – ZKM is the platform for the discourses of art and technology in exchanges with society, science, business, and politics. Their mission is to investigate and better understand the effects of the media and digital world on us humans.
(c) ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, photo: Joachim Mende
DAY 1. Oct. 24th. (Thu)
날짜, 테마, 주제, 강연자로 나열된 표

12:30 ’30 登録 Registration キム·ジハ

Kim Jiha
(Senior curator of ACC)
13:00 ’5 開会及び案内 Opening
13:05 ‘5 開会の辞
Welcoming Speech
イ·ガンヒョン Lee Kanghyun
国立アジア文化殿堂の殿堂長 Director of ACC
13:10 ‘5 祝辞
Congratulatory Message 1
スハーニャ・ラッフェル(Suhanya Raffel)
M+ミュージアム館長 Director of M+ Museum
13:15 ’5 祝辞
Congratulatory Message 2
アリステア·ハドソン(Alistair Hudson)
ZKMカールスルーエ芸術メディアセンター科学芸術監督 Scientific Artistic Director of ZKM Center for Art and Media
セッション1 廃墟から発見する生命多様性
Session 1 Discovering Biodiversity at the End of the World
13:20 ‘60 基調発表 Keynote
湿地の暮らし Swamp Life
アナチン Anna Tsing
Anthropology, University of California, Santa Cruz; and Professor, Aarhus University
*オンライン/ Online

Noh Gowoon
(Dept. of Cultural Anthropology and Archaeology, Chonnam National University)
14:20 ’30 質疑応答 Q&A
14:50 ’10 休憩 Break
15:00 ‘30 エコフェミニスト快楽主義と種-関係の政治学
Ecofeminist Hedonism and the Politics of Inter-species Relationships 
ファン·ジュヨン Hwang Jooyoung
エコフェミニズム研究センター 月と木研究委員 Ecofeminism research center 'Moon and Trees' researcher
15:30 ‘30 テラ0 - 進化するプロトタイプ
terra0- an introduction
ポール·ザイドラー Paul Seidler
テラ0 terra0
16:00 ’30 友と共に
Together with Beot
チョ·ジウン Jieun Cho
コケ岩クルル (ikkibawiKrrr)
16:30 ’40 質疑応答 Q&A
17:10 ’5 閉会 Closing キム·ジハ

Kim Jiha
(Senior curator of ACC)
10.25.(金) 2日目
DAY 2. Oct. 25th. (Fri)
날짜, 테마, 주제, 강연자로 나열된 표

10:00 ’30 登録 Registration  
10:30 ‘5 開会 Opening キム·ジハ

Kim Jiha
(Senior curator of ACC)
セッション2 資本の世の戦略を明らかにする
Session 2 Revealing the strategy of Capitalocene
10:35 ‘60 基調発表 Keynote
Democracy in the Web of Life: Against the Anthropocene of the Rich
ジェイソン·W·・ムーア Jason W. Moore
Professor, Dept. of Sociology, Binghamton University

Park Sun-Hee (Professor, Dept. of Media and Communications, Chosun University)
11:35 ’30 質疑応答 Q&A
12:05 ’85 昼食時間 Lunch
13:30 ‘30 気候/アジア:炭素植民地主義とアジアという共同体
Climate/Asia: Carbon colonialism and community as Asia
ソ·ドンジン Seo Dongjin

Associate Professor, Department of Intermedia Art, Kaywon University of Art and Design
14:00 ’30 人新世の生存主義 - 公とケノーシス(kenosis)としての生存
Anthropocene Survivalism: Survival as Public and Kenosis
キム·ホンジュン Kim Hong Jung

Professor, Department of Sociology at Seoul National University
14:30 ’30 芸術または太古の沈黙
Art or the silence of the Chaos
(The undifferentiated Wholistic Composition of All Things)
キム·スンギ Soun-Gui Kim
Artist 芸術家
15:00 ’40 質疑応答 Q&A
15:40 ’10 休憩 Break  
セッション 3 芸術で多種多様な世界を作る
Session 3  Art and Multispecies world-making (New World)
15:50 ’40 蜂の巣の知恵: ケアで集団知性を育てる
Hive Wisdom: Can We Nurture Collective Intelligence through Care?
Leonhard Bartolomeus
YCAM / part of ruangrupa

Jung Hyun
(Professor/Art Critic, Dept. of Visual Arts, Inha University)
16:30 ’30 質疑応答Q&A
17:00 ’60 ラウンドテーブル: 春の宣言展示
Roundtable: On the Exhibition Manifesto of Spring
Kim Jiha, Lim Liwon  
Senior Curator, Curator of ACC
Silke Schmickl
CHANEL Lead Curator, Moving Image, M+ Museum
Alistair Hudson, Clara Runge
Scientific Artistic Director, Curator of ZKM
18:00 ’20 質疑応答 Q&A
閉会 Closing
18:20 ’5 閉会 Closing キム·ジハ

Kim Jiha
(Senior curator of ACC)
  • 第1部:廃墟から発見する生命多様性
    (Session 1) Discovering Biodiversity at the End of the World
  • モデレーター: ノ·ゴウン(全南大学文化人類考古学科教授)
    Moderator Noh Gowoon (Dept. of Cultural Anthropology and Archaeology, Chonnam National University)
基調発表 湿地の暮らし
Keynote Swamp Life
アナチン Anna Tsing
  • カリフォルニア大学サンタクルーズ校人類学科、オルフス大学教授
    Anthropology, University of California, Santa Cruz; and Professor, Aarhus University
* アメリカ現地連結
履歴を見る +


The swamp is a denigrated place: a place known mainly as ugly wasteland: pestilent, useless, and fit only for draining. Might a “celebration of spring” instead take us to the pleasures and possibilities of swamp living? Draining swamps has been a signature move of the capitalist modernity that has squashed the spring. If we mean to revalue nature for its life-giving characteristics, a good place to start is the swamp.
Modern authorities have been so obsessed with draining swamps that even scholars have forgotten to consider multispecies livelihoods in the swamp. Even scholarly celebrations of refugees living hidden in swamps, from maroons to guerrillas, tend to suggest that swamp life is miserable even when it is politically important as a site of resistance. Most accounts suggest that everything important for survival must be brought in from outside. This talk instead considers the richness of swamp living—especially in areas where the quintessential swamp plant, sago, flourishes. Besides sago, swamp infauna, especially mollusks, can be diverse, nutritious, and easy to obtain without complex technologies—as long as foragers are willing to get muddy.  Offering material from in-process ethnographic research on the west coast of Papua and adjoining islands, this talk explores what it means to live with swamps, and even, perhaps, to encourage and spread them.

Ecofeminist Hedonism and the Politics of Inter-species Relationships 
ファン·ジュヨン Hwang Jooyoung
  • エコフェミニズム研究センター 月と木研究委員 Researcher, Ecofeminism Research Center 'Moon and Trees'
履歴を見る +


In an era of various social crises, including the climate crisis, are intensifying, transitioning the social system requires thematizing the desire for a better life beyond bare survival. This presentation examines the political implications of ecofeminist hedonism. Desire as the “power to connect” becomes the basis of new inter-species relationships and social relationships—this is at the foundation of ecofeminist hedonism.

terra0 - an introduction
ポール·ザイドラー(テラ0) Paul Seidler (terra0)
  • 芸術家 Artist
履歴を見る +


For the past nine years, terra0 has been exploring critical questions around land ownership, ecosystems, and the conception of nature. Our work focuses on how legal concepts such as personhood, property and subject influence the human-nature relationship, and how new forms of interaction could emerge through decentralized, democratic land management. While blockchain technology plays a significant role in organizing collectives, its true transformative potential is still under investigation. In this talk, we will showcase some of terra0's key projects and link them to our current initiatives.

Together with Beot 
チョジウン(苔岩クルル) Cho Jieum (ikkibawiKrrr)
  • 芸術家 Artist
履歴を見る +

苔岩クルルの作業『熱帯物語』と『海草物語』、『友がいないと海に仕事しにいかない』(済州踊り芸術院、下道漁村界協業)を事例として「友」に対する話をしてみようと思う。海女たちは海で種をまいて育て、採集する。海で起こる彼らの仕事は狩猟ではなく農業である。海女たちはお互いを友と思い、互いにつながっているので、海で生き残ることができる。「 友がいないと海に仕事しにいかない」というのがまさにその意味である。

“Together with Beot” aims to explore the concept of companion (beot) through the works of ikkibawiKrrr, such as Tropical Story (2022), Seaweed Story (2022), and Diving Is with Companion (2021, in collaboration with Jeju Dance Arts Centre and Hadori Village Association). The divers (haenyeo) sow, cultivate, and harvest in the sea. Their work in the sea is not hunting, but farming. The divers consider each other as a companion, and they can survive in the sea because they are connected. This is what it means to dive with a companion.

  • 第2部:資本新世の戦略を明らかにする
    (Session 2) Unveiling Capitalocene Strategies 
  • モデレーター: パク·ソンヒ(朝鮮大学校メディアコミュニケーション学科教授)
    ModeratorPark Sun-Hee (Professor, Dept. of Media and Communications, Chosun University)
基調発表 生命の網の中の民主主義:裕福な者たちの人新世を越えて
Keynote Democracy in the Web of Life: Beyond the Anthropocene of the Rich 
ジェイソン·W·・ムーア Jason W. Moore
  • ビンガムトン社会学教授 Professor, Dept. of Sociology, Binghamton University
履歴を見る +


The new climate consensus is emphatic and clear: the climate crisis is going to kill us, unless… we bend the knee to the masters of the universe: the billionaires and their professional cadres. The recent amplification and proliferation of “existential threat” rhetoric – a staple of the Environmentalism of the Rich since the 1950s – is a precious clue to the coming century’s ideological struggles and class wars. Weaving together the promotion of a mass politics of fear with promises of a climate fix, we’re told there’s “no time” for democratic solutions. We live in a “climate emergency.” The marriage of virtuous Environmentalism, Good Science, and anti-democratic politics was at the core of early Malthusian ideology. The bottles may have changed, but not the wine. The two moments, the fear and the fix, are deeply rooted in capitalism’s Civilizing Projects, its managerial dualism of Man and Nature, and Environmentalism’s contempt for democracy and the producing classes. Its fantasy, underwritten by fearmongering to replace positive vistas of capitalist development, is a political program of technocratic and techno-scientific dystopia – a Brave New World for the super-rich and their urban-professional cadres; a 1984 for everyone else. If most of the academic left rejects the fix, they have accepted the fear – and so have the movements. Enabled by its flight from history, the fantasy obscures the real grounds for optimism in the present conjuncture: climate crises, for the past two millennia, have been bad for ruling classes. They are moments of political possibility for the popular classes.

Climate/Asia: Carbon Colonialism and Community as Asia 
ソ·ドンジン Seo Dongjin
  • 桂園芸術大学融合芸術学科教授 Associate Professor, Dept. of Intermedia Art, Kaywon University of Art and Design
履歴を見る +

気候危機は惑星レベルの危機だ。しかし、地球惑星はまた世界史が展開される地形だ。近代世界史は植民主義的暴力と収奪、搾取の歴史であり、不均等発展の歴史だ。 我々は、炭素植民地主義が展開されたアジアの簡単ではなかった歴史を眺望する。太平洋戦争で日本は「アジア(主義)」を呼び、脱植民地と植民のきわどい二律背反を通過し、石油帝国を建設しようとした。我々はこれを経由して、気候危機とアジアの関係を問いたい。

The climate crisis is a crisis on a planetary level. However, the Earth is also the terrain where world history unfolds. Modern world history is a history of colonial violence, plunder, and exploitation, as well as uneven development. We look at the distressing history of Asia where carbon colonialism unfolded. During the Pacific War, Japan invoked “Asia(nism)” to navigate the precarious antinomy of decolonization and colonization while attempting to build an oil empire. We seek to tackle this relationship between the climate crisis and Asia.

Anthropocene Survivalism: Survival as Public and Kenosis
キム·ホンジュン Kim Hong Jung
  • ソウル大学社会学科教授 Professor, Dept. of Sociology, Seoul National University
履歴を見る +


From the perspective of traditional philosophical thinking, survival has been criticized as the pursuit of the bare life (zoe) by private individuals. The advent of the Anthropocene and new perceptions of Gaia inevitably bring new perspectives to the issue of survival. In this presentation, I explore the semantics of new survival from two perspectives, namely the possibility of Anthropocene survivalism. My first thesis is that survival is not private, but public. This will be examined through Kant’s “public” and Mizoguchi Yuzo’s concept of “living people” (生民). Second thesis is that survival is not conatus, but kenosis. Survival can no longer be achieved through the expansion of the organism’s existence or the exclusion of others, but rather through self-emptying.

Art or Le Silence of the Chaos (The Undifferentiated Wholistic Composition of All Things) 
キム·スンギ Kim Soun-Gui
  • 芸術家 Artist
履歴を見る +


Through the proposition of art or primordial silence, I will question the meaning of art as it appears in Eastern philosophical thought. In particular, I will examine the aesthetic theories of Zhuangzi (Chuang Tzŭ, 莊子) and Shitao (石濤). I will use this opportunity to reflect on how traditional Eastern philosophical thought in Asia finds similarities to some of the contemporary movements in Western theory emerging on the western continent.

  • 第3部:芸術で多種多様な世界づくり
    (Session 3) Multispecies World-Making through Art
  • モデレーター:チョン〮ヒョン(仁荷大学造形芸術学科教授)
    Moderator Jung Hyun (Professor/Art Critic, Dept. of Visual Arts, Inha University)
蜂の巣の知恵: ケアで集団知性を育てる
Hive Wisdom: Can We Nurture Collective Intelligence through Care?
レオナート·バルトロメウス Leonhard Bartolomeus
  • 山口情報芸術センター(YCAM)キュレーター、ルアンルパコレクティブ, YCAM / part of ruangrupa
履歴を見る +


The 1998 crisis in Indonesia led to the rise of collectives like ruangrupa, founded in 2000, transforming contemporary art with a collaborative, market-resistant ethos. Their direction of Documenta 15 spotlighted the "Lumbung" approach—communal, inclusive, and resource-sharing. This presentation delves into ruangrupa's strategies and the potential of collaboration through care principles and collective artistry.

the 2025 Exhibition Manifesto of Spring
  • キム·ジハ国立アジア文化殿堂学芸研究官
  • イム·リウォン国立アジア文化殿堂学芸研究士
  • シルケ·シュミクルM+ミュージアムムービングイメージ、シャネルリードキュレーター
  • アリステア·ハドソン(Alistair Hudson)ZKMカールスルーエ芸術メディアセンター科学芸術監督
  • クララ·ルンゲZKMカールスルーエ芸術メディアセンターキュレーター
  • Kim Jiha (Senior Curator, ACC)
  • Lim Liwon (Curator, ACC)
  • Silke Schmickl (CHANEL Lead Curator, Moving Image, M+ Museum)
  • Alistair Hudson (Scientific Artistic Director,  ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe)
  • Clara Runge (Curator, ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe)

文化情報院, 劇場3

Copyright(C) Asia Culture Center. All rights reserved.



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