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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center

Gwangju Symphony Orchestra Chamber Series I
〈Cello Moments〉

2025 Chamber Series, the First Stage: “Cello Moments”
Discover a special moment delivered by the cello’s rich and layered harmony

Gwangju Symphony Orchestra Chamber Series I<br>
〈Cello Moments〉
  • DateFeb. 21 (FRI), 2025
  • Time19:30
  • PlaceTheater 2
  • Age LimitMust be 7 years or older (those born in 2018 or earlier)
  • Seating372 seats
  • Price All seats KRW 10,000
  • Discount Info Refer to reservation services
  • TicketGwangju Arts Center / Ticketlink
    ※ Reservation opens at 10:00, Jan. 22 (WED)
  • ContactGwangju Arts Center +82-62-613-8241
    Ticketlink +82-1588-7890
  • Running time80 minutes (with one 15-minute intermission)
  • Hosted byNational Asian Culture Center (ACC), Gwangju Arts Center
  • Supervised byGwangju Symphony Orchestra
  • OthersPlease claim your parking discount by registering your license number at the venue. (One discount per vehicle, three hours of free parking)
Visitor Guide

Reservation & Visitor Notes

Age Requirement
  • Age Restriction: Must be 7 years or older (those born in 2018 or earlier)
  • We ask the visitors to bring certified documents that can confirm their age (national health insurance certificate, passport, resident registration certificate, etc.)
  • Visitors below the age restriction are prohibited from entering the performance hall regardless of the presence of their guardians.
  • Requests for cancelation or change in reservation will not be accepted if the visitor fails to adhere to age restrictions.
Ticket Reservation and Collection
  • Tickets may be collected an hour before the start of the performance.
  • The reservation number or the phone number provided during reservation process must be verified before the ticket can be collected.
  • Wheelchair seating may be reserved through the Ticketlink service, +82-1588-7890.
  • All discounts are applicable to the ticket recipient, not the purchaser.
  • Discounted purchases must be verified onsite with relevant certification. If there are no certifications, the visitor must provide the difference between the regular price and the discounted price.
  • The ACC does not accept on-site requests for ticket refunds, cancelations, or changes on the event date.
  • Tickets can be reserved online via the Gwangju Arts Center website or through Ticketlink. Go to Gwangju Arts Center website + Go to Ticketlink +
Visitor Information
  • To ensure the best experiences for our visitors, the National Asian Culture Center maintains a strict policy on age restrictions, late arrivals, and photography during performances.
  • You are liable for the issues caused by your failure to read the visitor guidelines fully.
  • The performance hall is open for admission 30 minutes before the start of the performance. Visitors may be prohibited from entering the hall once the performance starts.
  • The time of entry into the performance hall may depend on the performance characteristics or site conditions. We ask our visitors to enter the hall at least 10 minutes before the start of the performance.
  • Latecomers may be restricted from entering after the performance begins or will be directed to designated seating for late arrivals rather than their purchased seats. If the number of latecomer seats is exceeded, entry may be denied.
  • The view from the first-floor box seats and second-floor seats may be obstructed because of the safety railings. Please keep this in mind when making your reservation.
  • For this performance, please claim your parking discount by registering your license number at the venue. (One discount per vehicle, three hours of free parking)
Gwangju Symphony Orchestra Chamber Series I
Cello Moments
“Cello Moments” is the first performance staged as a part of the 2025 Gwangju Symphony Orchestra Chamber Series.
As its title suggests, this performance focuses on special moments that only cello can deliver.
Thanks to its rich and layered sound, the cello is said to be one of the best
instruments to deliver authenticity and beauty through sound.

This concert seeks to capture the deep contemplation, warmth, comfort,
and moving sounds that can only come from the cello,
delivering the unique musical charm of the instrument to the audience.
G. Paque - Souvenir de Curis for 4 Cellos
J. Pachelbel - Canon in D Major
F. A. Kummer - Duet for 2 Cellos op.22 No.1
D. Funck - Sonata - Suite for 4 Cellos
G. Goltermann - Religioso for 4 Cellos
A. Vivaldi - The Four Seasons “Spring” & “Winter” for 4 Cellos
D. Popper - Polonaise de Concert for 4 Cellos
Cello Lee Hoosung
  • B.A. from the Department of Music Education of Chosun University
  • M.A. from Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover
  • Konzertexamen course from Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf
  • Present) Assistant principal cellist, Gwangju Symphony Orchestra
Cello Suk Minjung
  • B.A. from the Department of Music of Chonnam National University, top of the class at entrance and graduation
  • M.A. from the Department of Instrumental Music of Kyung Hee University
  • Present) Cellist, Gwangju Symphony Orchestra
Cello Na Yoobin
  • B.A. from the College of Music of Hanyang University (with scholarship from receiving the highest distinction during the practical test)
  • M.A. from Folkwang Universität der Künste, Essen, Germany
  • Ph.D. from the College of Music of Hanyang University
  • Present) Cellist, Gwangju Symphony Orchestra
Cello Jang Seoyul
  • B.A. from the Department of Music of Chung-Ang University
  • Present) Cellist, Gwangju Symphony Orchestra
Place Info.

ACC Theater, Theater 2

Copyright(C) National Asian Culture Center. All rights reserved

38 Munhwajeondang-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61485, Republic of Korea


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  1. 이름: [미등록]
  2. 연락처: [미등록]
  3. 주소: [미등록]