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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center

[Children’s Performances for Chuseok]
Large puppet parade
< Family Day Out >
Large puppet street theater
< Gulliver’s Travels >

Watch massive puppets of Gulliver, grandma, and grandpa at ACC Children.
Join us for some fun and silly playtime with our imaginations with massive puppets!

[Children’s Performances for Chuseok]<br>
Large puppet parade <br>< Family Day Out ><br>
Large puppet street theater <br>< Gulliver’s Travels >
  • DateSep. 9–10, 2022 (FRI–SAT)
  • Time[Family Day Out] (FRI–SAT) 14:30–15:00
    [Gulliver’s Travels] (FRI–SAT) 16:00–16:30
  • PlaceACC Children Lobby and other sites
  • Age LimitFor all ages
  • Price Free
  • TicketFree admission
  • Contact+82-1899-5566
  • Duration 30 minutes per event

Children’s Performances for Chuseok
2022 ACC Children’s Performances for Chuseok
Sep. 9–10 (FRI–SAT [Chuseok])

Large Puppet Parade
Family Day Out
ACC Children Lobby
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Puppet Theater
Horangi, the Storytelling Tiger
ACC PlayHouse
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Large Puppet Street Theater
Gulliver’s Travels
ACC Children Lobby and other sites
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Large Puppet Parade
Family Day Out
You are invited to join a family on the street for an imaginative world of frivolous joy! This street parade features a family of giants, 3 m and 30 cm in height, featuring grandpa, grandma, their son, and their granddaughter. Grandpa is a trickster, while grandma is kind-hearted, and you can see how much they all love each other. This is a fun and interactive performance that showcases the charms of puppet theater to the visitors who came to ACC Children for the Chuseok holidays.
Large Puppet Street Theater
< Gulliver’s Travels >
“I’ve just arrived in this town. Can you invite me to this festival, too?”
This participatory puppet street theater invites the visitors to wear masks and become the people of Lilliput so that they can complete the performance with Gulliver together. It is intended as a venue for children to interact with the fantastic character of Gulliver through both their bodies and minds. This show encourages the participants to reflect upon how they can communicate and live together with those different from themselves. The dominating presence of the puppet and the strange and unfamiliar fun offered by the performance sit on the edges of familiarity for the spectators. The children and Gulliver the giant are different but similar; far away but close as well. The larger the difference between them is, the richer and more expansive our lives will surely be.

In the peaceful village of Lilliput, a festival is held. People dance, play games, and have fun.
But listen! There’s a rumbling noise followed by a giant,
and the people of the village (children in masks) run around in chaos!
What story will the villagers and Gulliver the giant create together?
Cast and Producers
  • Family Day OutChoe Rin, Gwak Hyojung, Kim Hyeongseok
  • Gulliver’s TravelsLee Jaeryeong, Choe Rin, Gu Jahwan, Gwak Hyojung, Lee Seonghui, Kim Hyeongseok

대본, 연출, 음악감독, 움직임연출, 작곡, 무대, 영상, 음향, 조명, 기획자 이름이 나열된 표

Direction and Puppetmaking Lee Sujeong Artistic Director Lee Byeongchang
Controller Production Im Jeongsu Costume Lee Migyeong
Staff and Sound Lee Jeongmo MC Kim Gyeongran
Theatre Bom
Theatre Bom was founded in 2003 to provide a natural stimulation for the pure and sensitive emotionality of our children and teenagers in the globalized cultural environment and instill a sense of emotional fulfillment through performances. The venue seeks to surpass the common examples of puppet theater by introducing new and varied materials and techniques.
The group also utilizes the convergence of puppet theater with other genres, such as fine art, multimedia, video, music, and book art, to add to the sense of mystery in its works and create works that inspire creativity among children, teenagers, and adult citizens. Since 2016, Theatre Bom started producing participatory street theater with massive puppets, including Gulliver’s Travels to expand its content offering to outdoor street theater.
  • Age rating: All ages
  • < Family Day Out > and < Gulliver’s Travels > are free-admission programs that visitors can attend without tickets.
  • Children must be accompanied by guardians, and we ask our visitors to cooperate with staff guidance to ensure the safety of our visitors.
  • The program < Horangi the Storytelling Tiger > is held at the PlayHouse, and thus, requires ticket reservations. Go to +
PlayHouse Programs
Upcoming 2022 ACC
PlayHouse Programs
The ACC PlayHouse is a 120-seater theater for children’s performances, offering performances based on Asian stories and content everyone can enjoy, regardless of age or disabilities. Through performances across different genre spectrums, the ACC PlayHouse provides a diverse range of opportunities for art and culture and promotes children’s creativity and emotional sensibility.
Traditional Theater “Gaettongi and Mudeungsan Tiger”
Oct. 1–2, 2022 (SAT–SUN) / (SAT, SUN) 11:00, 15:00
* Performing Company: Jeontong Yeonhyi Noli Yeonguso
A fun traditional mask dance theater weaving the tale of Gaettongi, who searches for tigers, and the Mudeungsan Tiger, the king of the tigers, in an interactive play with the audience
Family Musical Theater “Tree Child”
Oct. 15–16, 2022 (SAT–SUN) / (SAT, SUN) 11:00, 15:00
* Performing Company: Donghwa
In a flooded world where everything’s gone, Tree Child and the Father Tree set sail for their first journey in search of a new world.
Where will the father and son end up?
Gugak Musical “Kkaebi’s Friend, Sapsari”
Oct. 29–30, 2022 (SAT–SUN) / (SAT) 11:00, 15:00; (SUN) 14:00
* Performing Company: Art Company: The Blessed
A story of friendship between Sapsari, a dog that chases away spirits, and dokkaebi (goblins) that discusses the meaning of “living together” and relationships
Musical Theater “The Happy Prince”
Dec. 10–11, 2022 (SAT–SUN) / (SAT, SUN) 11:00, 15:00
* Performing Company: PlayBST
This is a musical theater adaptation of Oscar Wilde’s “The Happy Prince,” a story of a swallow and a prince statue that invites us to think about wealth, poverty, and true love.
※ The aforementioned program may be subject to change.

Copyright(C) National Asian Culture Center. All rights reserved

38 Munhwajeondang-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61485, Republic of Korea


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  1. 이름: [미등록]
  2. 연락처: [미등록]
  3. 주소: [미등록]