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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center

[Children’s Performances for Chuseok]
Puppet Theater ”Horangi, the Storytelling Tiger”

To celebrate the great Korean holiday of Chuseok,
take a fantastic trip with Horangi, the storytelling tiger, into the world of old Korean stories!

[Children’s Performances for Chuseok]<br>Puppet Theater ”Horangi, the Storytelling Tiger”
  • DateSep. 9–10, 2022 (FRI–SAT [Chuseok])
  • Time(FRI / SAT [Chuseok]) 15:00
  • PlacePlayhouse
  • Age LimitMust be 36 months or older
  • Seating124 seats (including 4 wheelchair seats)
  • Price KRW 5,000 for all seats (unreserved)
    ※ Special holiday discount applied (No additional discounts may be used.)
  • TicketWeb Page / Call Center / Ticket Booth
  • Contact+82-1899-5566
  • Duration45 min

Guest Information
Reservation and Guest Notes
Age Requirement
  • Age restriction: Must be 36 months or older
  • We ask that guests bring certified documents to prove their ages(national health insurance certificate, passport, resident registration certificate, etc.)
  • ※ Guests below the age restriction are prohibited from entering the performance hall regardless of the presence of their guardians.
  • ※ The Asia Culture Center (ACC) does not accept on-site requests for cancelation or changes in the reservation if the guest in question fails to adhere to age restrictions.
Ticket Reservation and Collection
  • Tickets can be claimed or purchased 1 hr before the performance time.
  • ※ The reservation or phone number provided during the reservation process must be verified before the ticket can be collected.
  • Wheelchair seating may be reserved through the ACC Call Center (+82-1899-5566).
  • A special discount for the Chuseok holiday has already been applied to the ticket prices for the performance “Horangi, the Storytelling Tiger.” Please note that additional discounts cannot be applied.
Guest Information
  • To ensure the best experience for our guests, the ACC maintains a strict policy on age restrictions, late arrivals, and photography during the performance.
  • ※ Guests will be held liable for issues caused by failure to fully understand the theater regulations.
  • The performance hall is open for entry 20 min before the start of the performance. Guests may be prohibited from entering the hall after the performance begins.
  • ※ The time of entry into the performance hall may depend on the characteristics of the performance or site conditions. We ask our guests to enter the hall at least 10 min before the start of the performance.
  • The ACC PlayHouse has an amphitheater structure, where audience seats surround the main stage.
  • All seats are unreserved, and visitors are seated in the order of their entry. We ask our guests to follow the instructions provided by the guide staff.
  • There are four wheelchair seats available. Wheelchair seats are available for reservation through our Call Center (+82-1899-5566). If wheelchair seats are sold out, you may purchase standard seats and place the wheelchair outside the performance hall.
무대 도면사진
Children’s Performances for Chuseok
2022 ACC Children’s Performances for Chuseok
Sep. 9–10 (FRI–SAT [Chuseok])

Large Puppet Parade
Family Day Out
ACC Children Lobby
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Puppet Theater
Horangi, the Storytelling Tiger
ACC PlayHouse
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Large Puppet Street Theater
Gulliver’s Travels
ACC Children Lobby and other sites
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Children’s Performances for Chuseok
Puppet Theater “Horangi, the Storytelling Tiger”
Show the beauty of Korean folk painting to children, and enjoy a stage full of tales, featuring tigers, animals, and humans, and their lively faces and wit hidden within.
Children may listen to the stories narrated by Horangi the tiger, enjoy the delicious oration of the Korean language, and sing along to traditional children’s songs from elementary school music textbooks to feel the flair of Korean melodies.
Go into the forest to meet the tiger, observe it with a tense breath, and shout and laugh out loud to have a fun time.
Episode 1: Tiger and Dried Persimmon
A hungry tiger descends on the village. While prowling the streets, the tiger hears a mother tell a crying child, “You’ll have your dried persimmon!” What could be so scary that a mere mention of its name stops a child’s crying? Then, the tiger meets a thief who is about to steal some oxen. The thief climbs onto the back of the tiger, thinking that the animal is an ox. As the pair run over the mountain pass, the thief soon finds out that the animal is none other than a terrible tiger.
♬ Children’s songs: “General Tiger,” “Over the Pass,” “Lullaby,” “Hide-and-Seek”
Episode 2: A Rabbit and a Tiger
Two wanderers, dragging a box together, are climbing through the Byeongpungjin Pass. The two are lost, but when they find the full moon in the sky, they sit down to spin a tale. The two take out a tiger and a rabbit doll and put up a small puppet theater. Unbeknownst to the two, Horangi, a massive tiger with a flair for storytelling, wakes up and begins to narrate the story of the rabbit and the tiger: how the crafty rabbit managed to escape the tiger with three tricks.
♬ Children’s songs: “Worwori Cheongcheong,” “Rice Cake Song,” “Braid the Herring,” “Sparrow”
Episode 3: Old Brother Tiger
A woodcutter meets a tiger in the mountain, and facing certain death, the woodcutter begins to call the tiger his older brother. As the two begin to settle into their roles as brothers, the story offers a glimpse into the virtuous heart of the tiger.
Cast and Producers
Gu Jahwan, Kim Gyeongran, Jo Seoyun

대본, 연출, 음악감독, 움직임연출, 작곡, 무대, 영상, 음향, 조명, 기획자 이름이 나열된 표

Director Lee Sujeong Artistic Director Lee Byeongchang
Script Jang Eunju Music Wow Music
Stage Im Jeongsu Puppet Making Lee Sujeong
Costume Lee Ilju Lighting Director Kim Yunhui
Sound Operation Lee Seonghui    
Theatre Bom
Theatre Bom was founded in 2003 to provide a natural stimulation for the pure and sensitive sentimentality of our children and teenagers in the globalized cultural environment and instill a sense of emotional fulfillment through performances. It seeks to surpass the common examples of puppet theater by introducing new and varied materials and techniques.
The group also utilizes the convergence of puppet theater with other genres, such as fine art, multimedia, video, music, and book art, to add to the sense of mystery in its works and create works that inspire creativity among children, teenagers, and adult citizens. Since 2016, Theatre Bom has started producing participatory street theater with massive puppets, including “Gulliver’s Travels,” to expand its content offering to outdoor street theater.
  • Children below 36 months (born after August 2019) are restricted from entering the venue. Should the host require, guests must present documentation with the date of birth for proof. We ask all guests to bring pertinent identification documents. Children below the age requirement are prohibited from entering the venue even in the company of their parents.
  • One guest may reserve up to four tickets.
  • To ensure the best experiences for our guests, the ACC maintains a strict policy on age restrictions, late arrivals, and photography during the performance. Guests may be held liable for issues caused by failure to fully understand the theater regulations. In addition, please understand that the ACC does not accept on-site requests for ticket refunds, cancelations, or changes on the event date. We ask for your understanding.
  • Tickets can be claimed or purchased 1 hr before the performance. The performance hall is open for entry 20 min before the start of the performance. Visitors may be prohibited from entering the hall after the performance begins. We ask our guests to enter the hall at least 10 min before the start of the performance.
PlayHouse Programs
Upcoming 2022 ACC
PlayHouse Programs
The ACC PlayHouse is a 120-seater theater for children’s performances, offering performances based on Asian stories and content everyone can enjoy, regardless of age or disabilities. Through performances across different genre spectrums, the ACC PlayHouse provides a diverse range of opportunities for art and culture and promotes children’s creativity and emotional sensibility.
Traditional Theater “Gaettongi and Mudeungsan Tiger”
Oct. 1–2, 2022 (SAT–SUN) / (SAT, SUN) 11:00, 15:00
* Performing Company: Jeontong Yeonhyi Noli Yeonguso
A fun traditional mask dance theater weaving the tale of Gaettongi, who searches for tigers, and the Mudeungsan Tiger, the king of the tigers, in an interactive play with the audience
Family Musical Theater “Tree Child”
Oct. 15–16, 2022 (SAT–SUN) / (SAT, SUN) 11:00, 15:00
* Performing Company: Donghwa
In a flooded world where everything’s gone, Tree Child and the Father Tree set sail for their first journey in search of a new world.
Where will the father and son end up?
Gugak Musical “Kkaebi’s Friend, Sapsari”
Oct. 29–30, 2022 (SAT–SUN) / (SAT) 11:00, 15:00; (SUN) 14:00
* Performing Company: Art Company: The Blessed
A story of friendship between Sapsari, a dog that chases away spirits, and dokkaebi (goblins) that discusses the meaning of “living together” and relationships
Musical Theater “The Happy Prince”
Dec. 10–11, 2022 (SAT–SUN) / (SAT, SUN) 11:00, 15:00
* Performing Company: PlayBST
This is a musical theater adaptation of Oscar Wilde’s “The Happy Prince,” a story of a swallow and a prince statue that invites us to think about wealth, poverty, and true love.
※ The aforementioned program may be subject to change.
Place Info.

ACC Children, Playhouse

Copyright(C) National Asian Culture Center. All rights reserved

38 Munhwajeondang-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61485, Republic of Korea


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  1. 이름: [미등록]
  2. 연락처: [미등록]
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