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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center

“The Land of Ramol”

“The Land of Ramol” is a children’s performance based on a children’s picture book, which is in turn based on an old folktale passed down in India’s Himachal Pradesh region.

“The Land of Ramol”
  • DateDecember 4 (SAT) – 5 (SUN), 2021
  • Time11:00 / 15:00
  • PlacePlayhouse
  • Age LimitMust be 5 or older
  • Seating90 seats (distancing seating system)
  • Price KRW 10,000 for all seats
  • TicketHome Page / Call Center / Ticket Office
  • Contact+82-1899-5566
  • Duration50 min

Seat Distancing Requirements
Stop the Spread of COVID-19
Asia Culture Center (ACC) Seat Distancing
Requirements Information
As a part of our “social distancing” efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we have decided to implement a new “distancing seating system.” We are always grateful for your love and support for the center, and we once again ask for your understanding on this matter. We will keep you updated on any changes in the future.
Distancing Seating System
  • Each seat occupied by a visitor will be flanked by two empty seats directly next to each other to maintain the distance between the visitors.
Body Temperature Measurement via Thermal Camera
  • Thermal cameras will be used to measure the body temperature of all visitors at the entrance and exit of the performance halls (ACC Theater and ACC Children).
  • ※ Thermal camera locations in ACC: ACC Creation / ACC Theater, Library Park, ACC Children
  • ※ Noncontact thermometer: Used in ticketing or by staff members as needed.
  • Please take note that visitors whose measured body temperature exceeds 37.5℃ (the standard for fever) will be prohibited from entering the performance hall.
  • Visitors who do not comply with the body temperature measurement requirements will also be prohibited from entering the performance hall.
Mandatory Mask Policy
  • Visitors who do not wear masks will be prohibited from entering the performance hall, so we ask all our visitors to wear masks.
Personal Information Consent Form
  • We are collecting our visitors’ personal information for submission to the Gwangju government and other government bodies in the case of a possible COVID-19 outbreak within the center premises. The collected data will not be used for other purposes and will be destroyed after two weeks.
  • ※ If you are visiting the ACC with a ticket booked in another person’s name, please fill out the consent form with your information.
The ACC is implementing mandatory temperature checks and mask-wearing policies for all ticket staff, guides, and crew. We ask our visitors to strictly maintain personal hygiene. Please refrain from visiting the center if you are suffering from a fever, cough, or sore throat, or if you recently visited another country.
All of us at the ACC will do our best to protect your right to enjoy our programs and foster a safe environment for all visitors. Thank you.
Mom, there are no stars on the sky here!
Mom, the stars want us to play the Flute of Ramol!
Himachal Pradesh is a place where honest people till the barren earth with appreciation.
Ramol and his family is one such family, living off a small plot of land. One day, however, Ramol’s family loses everything when a horde of locusts descends upon the village, and suffering from the famine that follows, Ramol’s family is forced to kill Ramol’s yak friend for food.
Nur, Ramol’s daughter, journeys into the valley of death where even the stars are hidden, accompanied by a fairy born from the soul of the yak.

Ramol and Brinjamati in turn take off in search of their daughter. The couple must find a flute that will lead them into the starless valley.

Can the family meet each other again?
“The Land of Ramol” is a children’s performance based on a children’s picture book, which is in turn based on an old folktale passed down in India’s Himachal Pradesh region.
The performance seeks to bring the humble yet rich colors of the Indian subcontinent and the folklore of Himachal Pradesh to the audience members through objects and music inspired by them, and the script is formed as a fable-like structure to bring alive the dramatic energy of the source material. The journey of Ramol’s family and the yak is intended to depict the virtue of respect toward life through a fun and emotionally moving story.
We invite our audience members to explore the themes of climate change, human greed and the damages caused by it, familial love and friendship, an through them the value of nature and life.

“The Land of Ramol” was a project selected through the Asia Culture Center (ACC) Asia Story Children and Young Adult Content in 2020. After its noncontact showcase in the same year, it is now made into a special performance to be put on stage in December 2021.
Casts and Producers
Produced by: Asia Culture Institute, Play Factory
Cho Ha-Seok, Hwang Jae-Hee, Heo Yumi, Jo In
Produced by
Production and Direction
Cho Ha-Seok
Assistant Direction
Hwang Jae-Hee
Lee Seon-Yeon
Choreography (Movement)
Park Seong-Yul
Cheon Dae-Sik
Yang Jae-Young
Stage Design
Kim Min-Seob
Stage Director
Seo Jong-Rye
Lighting Director
Jang Min-Hyeon
Kim Chang-Hoon, Lee Seung-Min
Play Factory
Our plays are fun and light!
Our plays are made together with the audience!
Our plays are open!

“Play Factory” is a company that develops programs for proper play culture, career development, and open theaters for the training of playwrights, actors, and staff, as well as experimental and creative programs that promote the small theater culture and the joy of performing arts to the audience members.
History of Play Factory +
  • Please note that the 11:00 and 15:00 performances on December 5 (Sunday) will be filmed.
  • One guest may reserve up to four tickets.
  • Viewers must be 5 or older.
  • Should the host requires, guests are required to present a documentation with their date of birth for proof. We ask all the guests to bring pertinent identifications.
  • Children under the age requirement are prohibited from entering the venue even in the company of their parents.
  • In order to ensure the best experiences for our visitors, the Asia Culture Center maintains a strict policy on age restrictions, late arrivals, and photography during performance. You are liable for the issues caused by your failure to fully read the theater regulations. Moreover, please understand that the ACC does not accept on-site requests for ticket refund, cancellation, or change on the event date. We ask for your understanding.
  • Tickets can be claimed or purchased one hr before the performance time, and the performance hall is opened for entrance 20 min before the start of the performance. Visitors may be prohibited from entering the hall after the start of the performance, so we ask our visitors to enter the hall at least 10 min before the start of the performance.
Related Performances
Asia Culture Center produces and offers performances that utilize the abundant cultural resource of Asia to promote the cultural diversity and creativity of children.

“2021 ACC Asia Story Children and Young Adult Content Project” is a showcase of works based on Asian stories, chosen through a public contest and incubated and researched from July to November.

Follow our performances based on Asian stories like Vietnam, India, and the Philippines and see the Asian creativity we are seeking to imbue our children.
개굴개굴 고래고래
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Ribbit Ribbit Croak Croak (Bookmark Theater)
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September 4 – November 5, 2021 (Saturday–Sunday) Children’s musical theater, 36 months of age or older
Angalo the Giant (Traditional and Contemporary Music Group The林 (TheForest)
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December 4–5, 2021 (Saturday–Sunday) Children’s theater, 5 years of age or older
The Land of Ramol (Play Factory)
This story of a journey of a couple to find their daughter discusses the dignity of life and familial love.
December 11–12, 2021 (Saturday-Sunday) Children’s theater, 36 months of age or older
Where do I go? (Art Playground YA)
Based on the Malaysian author Yusof Gajah, this story examines how unrestrained development brings unhappiness to animals and humans and ultimately the consequences of human greed.
Place Info.

ACC Children, Playhouse

Copyright(C) National Asian Culture Center. All rights reserved

38 Munhwajeondang-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61485, Republic of Korea


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  1. 이름: [미등록]
  2. 연락처: [미등록]
  3. 주소: [미등록]