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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center

ACC Future Prize 2024: Kim Ayoung
“Delivery Dancer’s Arc: Inverse”

The “ACC Future Prize” is a prestigious arts award aimed at discovering creative artists who push the boundaries of innovative future values and possibilities. This year’s exhibition features the first awardee, Kim Ayoung, and her new work, “Delivery Dancer’s Arc: Inverse.” This piece delves into traditional cosmologies and time systems that have gradually faded with the advent of Western modernization, seeking to revive them through contemporary art narratives. Visitors will experience a unique journey akin to navigating a labyrinth of time and space, evoking unfamiliar sensations and new perspectives.

ACC Future Prize 2024: Kim Ayoung<br>
“Delivery Dancer’s Arc: Inverse”
  • DateAug. 30, 2024 (FRI) – Feb. 16, 2025 (SUN)
  • Time(TUE–SUN) 10:00–18:00
    (WED, SAT) 10:00–20:00
    * Closed every Monday
  • PlaceSpace 1
  • Age LimitAll ages
  • Price Free
  • TicketNonguided exhibition
  • Contact+82-1899-5566


ACC Future Prize 2024: Kim Ayoung
“Delivery Dancer’s Arc: Inverse”
Kim Ayoung, the inaugural recipient of the “ACC Future Prize,” has gained recognition in both domestic and international art circles for her ability to craft a distinctive art universe. Her work often reconstructs grand narratives—such as migration, capitalism, and national ideologies—into speculative, layered narratives rich with elements of archaeology, futurism, and science fiction. “ACC Future Prize 2024: Kim Ayoung – Delivery Dancer’s Arc: Inverse” is a large-scale project comprising a multi-channel video installation that incorporates game-engine–based computer graphics and generative artificial intelligence (AI). In this work, Kim Ayoung focuses on the numerous traditional calendar systems and worldviews that have vanished in the wake of Western modernization. Although each culture has historically developed its own unique concepts of time and calendars, the Gregorian calendar now prevails globally. This standardization is closely tied to the forces of imperialism and political power that shaped modernization and globalization. Through this project, Kim Ayoung explores these lost cosmologies and time systems, aiming to restore them through the lens of contemporary art.
In the previous work, “Delivery Dancer’s Sphere,” the protagonists Ernst Mo and En Storm raced through a virtual Seoul, navigating a maze of delayed time. As they inadvertently begin delivering artifacts containing ancient, supposedly extinct conceptions of time, they delve into the conflicts and clashes that arise between different temporalities and worlds. The title of this exhibition, “Delivery Dancer’s Arc: Inverse,” evokes the concept of temporality while referencing the curves found in sundials and the calendar plates featured in the work. These curves symbolize the pathways connecting time, space, humans, history, and the “escaping” space. The term “Inverse” suggests a reference to time, much like the reciprocal of speed in physics, or more generally, an inverse relationship. It hints at the coexistence of different small worlds within the gaps of alternate spaces and times created by the intense pace of competition. This “transformation” of time “connects” different dimensions, creating pathways that allow marginalized and disappearing indigenous worldviews to critically examine the power dynamics of Western modernization.
In “ACC Future Prize 2024,” Kim Ayoung actively engages with the tense of the future through collaboration with AI. The computational outcomes of the AI system, rooted in her speculative narratives, encompass not only imaginative futures but also continuously calculated ones. Calendar system markers originating from antiquity are reinterpreted in the exhibition as elevated indicators of the future, guiding us into a deterritorialized virtual world infused with futurist rhetoric. The artist explores the hybridity of time and space, the subtle psychological conflicts between the two protagonists, and the flaws or errors that emerge in the seemingly perfect virtual world. These elements are developed through a fragmented and speculative narrative style, utilizing algorithms that disrupt causality and montage techniques. Kim Ayoung’s recursive imagination, which manifests in sensory variations, blurs the boundaries between reality and the virtual. This exhibition transcends time and space, venturing into a realm of possibilities where seemingly unrelated entities are connected. It also encourages viewers to reconsider the cultural and historical power dynamics between nations, politics, and religion in the context of modernization and to reflect on the imagination of dislocated time and space. We hope that “Delivery Dancer’s Arc: Inverse” broadens viewers’ horizons, offering new experiences and unfamiliar sensations as they navigate the infinitely proliferating labyrinth of time and space.
National Asian Culture Center “ACC Future Prize”

What kind of future will we face?
The National Asia Culture Center established the “ACC Future Prize” to discover creative creators of artistic language who expand innovative future values and possibilities. The prize explores the transformations during periods of social change, examining the interplay between humans, the environment, and technology. It delved into the potential of future life as envisioned through the practice of fusion and convergence arts, mediated by art, media, and technology. In an era where the boundaries between art and technology are continuously being redefined and expanded, questions about “futurity” are expected to provoke fundamental reflections on the nature of art and open new horizons for the possibilities of future art. The ACC aims to establish itself as a distinctive platform for fusion and convergence arts in Asia by selecting and showcasing works that propose a sensitivity toward future art, combining new digital cultures and technologies on an ultra-scale, maximizing the potential of ACC Creation Space 1 (1,560 m2). Through the ACC Future Prize, the National Asia Culture Center seeks to create opportunities to imagine the future of art, transcending spatial and institutional boundaries as an integrated arts-based platform.

“Delivery Dancer’s Arc: Inverse,” 2024
3-channel video, color, 2-channel sound, lighting installation, random video playback and synchronized lighting control program, sundial sculpture, graphic sheet, circular screen, large slope, 17 minutes, variable dimensions.
Produced with the support of the National Asian Culture Center (ACC)
Place Info.

ACC Creation, Space 1

Copyright(C) National Asian Culture Center. All rights reserved

38 Munhwajeondang-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61485, Republic of Korea


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  1. 이름: [미등록]
  2. 연락처: [미등록]
  3. 주소: [미등록]