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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center

Boundless Asia

The goal of this exhibition is to conceptualize the seas of Asia as a “boundless treasury,” and an “entrance” for transforming historical pain into a space of solidarity, connection, and joy.

Boundless Asia
  • DateJan. 23 (THU) – Feb. 23 (SUN), 2025
  • Time(TUE–SUN) 10:00–18:00
    (WED, SAT) 10:00–20:00
    * Closed every Monday
  • PlaceACC Creation Space 5
  • Age LimitAll ages
  • Price Free
  • TicketNonguided exhibition
  • Contact+82-1899-5566

무진장 아시아
ACC MR Lab Spatial Computing Content
Boundless Asia
Many have explored immersive augmented reality (AR) in various ways. Through “spatial computing,” this exhibition questions how real-time technology connected in the real world can connect to the seas. Rather than viewing the sea as an objectively existing environment or ecology, the exhibition seeks to construct a concrete shape of the sea by introducing history. In other words, the exhibition seeks to “connect” technology, nature, and humans into a new, cyclic ecosystem. To achieve this, Apple Vision Pro was integrated as a sensory technology that reactivates space with digital symbols, bridging the gap between reality and virtuality, and allowing the audience to experience that these two worlds can interact.

At its core, the goal of this exhibition is to conceptualize the seas of Asia as a “boundless treasury” and an “entrance” for transforming historical pain into a space of solidarity, connection, and joy. Rather than framing the seas of Asia merely as tourist destinations, the possibilities of concrete solidarity are identified and positioned through historical sources to actively organize the context of connection. In other words, audiences are invited to imagine the richness of Asia through immersive AR and the possibilities of solidarity and peace through historical archives. In this way, Apple Vision Pro and the archive function serve not just as technological tools but also as instruments that shape the future.
How to Enjoy “Boundless Asia”: Apple Vision Pro (2024 model)
This exhibition uses Apple Vision Pro as a basis for its extended reality (XR) presentation of Asian seas using spatial computing technology.
Maritime experiences in Asia are truly “boundless” in the sense that they represent numerous, unfathomable riches of ecology, culture, and biology. However, “experiencing” that boundlessness is not easy.
The exhibition uses three zones with five 3D icons to connect the Asian seas through Apple Vision Pro, delivering a creative experience to the audience. In the future, everyday spatial computing technology will be used as a principle for unlocking the infinite creative capabilities that will amplify the manifold experiences of space and time.
Oceanic Turn
Single-channel digital video, 3 min
“Oceanic Turn” is a work that seeks to “reconstruct” the “human” in a novel way based on 3D tools. This work draws attention to the fact that humans are not isolated beings with organic completeness. Rather, they are relational beings, constantly reconstructed through interactions with nonhuman life and nonliving beings. The video presents an image of the oceanic turn of civilization, showing the interconnectedness of turtle, fish, and ship as they transform the “human” figure into an “oceanic human.” This imagery suggests the inseparability of human existence from the ocean and the need to explore human sustainability with the ocean.
Submerged Circuits
Single-channel digital video, 3 min
This work focuses on the materialization of the connection of disparate objects into soft images through digital imaging. Rather than limiting the deep sea as a realm of mystery, the work presents the data flow and connection structure of the Asian seas as an abstracted virtual environment. In other words, the deep sea, as a sea of data, is an ecological environment with an inherent multilayered flow of data. Therefore, the deep sea is depicted not as a disconnecting space but as an intersection where data and the physical environment are organically connected, continuously flowing across one another. In essence, the work invites the audience to experience data in the deep sea and the deep sea in data.
Place Info.

ACC Creation, ACC Creation Space 5

Copyright(C) National Asian Culture Center. All rights reserved

38 Munhwajeondang-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61485, Republic of Korea


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  1. 이름: [미등록]
  2. 연락처: [미등록]
  3. 주소: [미등록]