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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center

2024 collaborative exhibition “Everyone’s Utopia (桃源)”

The 2024 collaborative exhibition “Everyone’s Utopia,” organized by National Asian Culture Center (ACC), the Korean Cultural Center in China, the Korean Cultural Center in Shanghai, and the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Guangzhou, is a media art exhibition newly designed with works created and produced by the ACC to promote the dissemination of Korean visual art content.

2024 collaborative exhibition “Everyone’s Utopia (桃源)”
  • DateBeijing Sep. 12 (THU) – Nov. 6, 2024 (WED)
    Guangzhou Nov. 14 (THU) – Dec. 8, 2024 (SUN)
    Shanghai Dec. 19 (THU), 2024 – Feb. 28, 2025 (FRI)
  • PlaceBeijing, Guangzhou, and Shanghai in China
  • Age LimitAll ages
  • Price Free
  • TicketNonguided exhibition
  • Contact+82-1899-5566

2024 collaborative exhibition “Everyone’s Utopia (桃源),” organized by National Asian Culture Center, the Korean Cultural Center in China, the Korean Cultural Center in Shanghai, and the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Guangzhou
The 2024 collaborative exhibition “Everyone’s Utopia,” organized by National Asian Culture Center (ACC), the Korean Cultural Center in China, the Korean Cultural Center in Shanghai, and the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Guangzhou, is a media art exhibition newly designed with works created and produced by the ACC to promote the dissemination of Korean visual art content. Since its opening in 2015, the ACC has supported the creation of works by renowned artists and has established itself as a leading institution for creation and production in Asia.
This exhibition begins with the theme of “nature,” vividly showcasing how Korean modern and contemporary painters have reflected on nature. It expands beyond form into emotional depth, inspired by East Asian philosophy, which views all elements of the universe as interconnected and cyclical. The term “Utopia (桃源: Tao Yuan),” symbolizing an ideal paradise, often feels unreachable, but through humanity’s innate tendency to seek peace in nature, “nature” becomes everyone’s own utopia, existing within our hearts.
In 2024, “Everyone’s Utopia” will be presented sequentially, starting in Beijing in September, followed by Guangzhou in November and Shanghai in December.
  • Lee Lee Nam, “Standing at the Center of Existence” 2023, Multichannel video, Color, Sound, Commissioned by the ACC.
    ⓒ 2023. ”The View of Hanui,” provided by the artist.
  • Kim Kyujin, “Wind Bamboos” Year unknown, Ink on paper, 129 × 42.5 cm, Collection of MMCA. Digitization of the original artwork,
    ⓒ 2023. ”Aesthetic Immersion,” provided by MMCA
  • Lee Yongwoo, “Flowers and Birds (8-fold ornamental screens)” Year unknown, Light color on silk, 130 × 34 cm (×8), Collection of MMCA.
    ⓒ provided by MMCA
  • Huh Dal Jae, “Plum Blossoms” 2023, Ink on Korean paper, 200 × 150 cm (×4), Collection of Uijae Museum of Korean Art
    ⓒ provided by the ACC
  • Kohui, “Composition for Objective Sound No. 7” 2022, Audiovisual installation, Black and white, Mirror, Dimensions variable. Commissioned by the ACC.
    ⓒ 2022. ”Scenery of the Emptiness, and Asia”, provided by ACC. Photo by Park Myungrae.
  • Kohui, “Reverberation” 2022. Audiovisual installation, Color, Dimensions variable, Commissioned by the ACC.
    ⓒ 2022. ”Scenery of the Emptiness, and Asia”, provided by ACC. Photo by Park Myungrae.
  • Jung Sungyoon, “Two Ellipses” 2022, Motor, Stainless steel, Iron, Synthetic resin, 150 × 145 × 30 cm. Commissioned by the ACC. ⓒ 2022.
    ”Scenery of the Emptiness, and Asia”, provided by the ACC. Photo by Park Myungrae.
  • Seo Dongjoo, “White Land” 2022, Single-channel HD video, Stereo sound, 09’00,” Dimensions variable. Commissioned by the ACC. ⓒ 2022.
    ”Scenery of the Emptiness, and Asia”, provided by the ACC. Photo by Park Myungrae.

Copyright(C) National Asian Culture Center. All rights reserved

38 Munhwajeondang-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61485, Republic of Korea


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  1. 이름: [미등록]
  2. 연락처: [미등록]
  3. 주소: [미등록]