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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center

This Month’s Collection: Horse Equipment

“This Month’s Collection” is an exhibition introducing items from the museum’s collection. This month’s featured artifact is horse equipment (magu 馬具) used by Central Asian nomads.

This Month’s Collection: Horse Equipment
  • DateAug. 7, 2024 (WED) – Nov. 3, 2024 (SUN)
  • Time(TUE–SUN) 10:00–18:00
    (WED, SAT) 10:00–20:00
    * Closed every Monday
  • PlaceAsia Culture Museum
  • Age LimitAll ages
  • Price Free
  • TicketNonguided exhibition
  • Contact+82-1899-5566

Asia Culture Museum Collection Series
Horse Equipment
Central Asia has played a crucial role as a hub for East-West trade throughout history. The region was predominantly inhabited by nomadic tribes who domesticated wild animals for livestock. Horses, in particular, were essential for transportation, combat, and hunting in nomadic life. This necessity led to the development of various tools and equipment related to horseback riding.
As horseback riding began, felt or leather pads were placed on the horse’s back to prevent chafing, leading to the invention of saddles for comfortable riding. Tools like bridles, bits, reins, and whips were also developed to manage horses. These tools are collectively known as horse equipment or “magu (馬具).” Central Asian horse equipment had unique features: saddles were made with a wooden frame covered in leather, featuring a high pommel. In addition, they were often decorated with natural motifs like animal horns, crow’s feet, eagle shapes, and plants.
This exhibition showcases horse equipment used by Central Asian nomads, featuring a saddle called “Eer,” a bridle named “Jugon,” and a whip known as “Kamchy.” Through these artifacts, the exhibition aims to provide insights into the traditional culture and lifestyle of Central Asia.
  • Saddle “Eer”
    Kyrgyz Republic Ⅰ 1970–1980s Ⅰ Wood, Leather, Metal
  • Saddle “Eer”
    Kyrgyz Republic Ⅰ 1987 Ⅰ Wood, Leather, Metal
  • Bridle “Jugon”
    Kyrgyz Republic Ⅰ 1985 Ⅰ Leather, Metal
  • Whip “Kamchy”
    Kyrgyz Republic Ⅰ 1990s Ⅰ Leather, Metal
Place Info.

ACC Archive&Research, Asia Culture Museum

Copyright(C) National Asian Culture Center. All rights reserved

38 Munhwajeondang-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61485, Republic of Korea


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  1. 이름: [미등록]
  2. 연락처: [미등록]
  3. 주소: [미등록]