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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center

The 2024 MMCA
Lee Kun-hee Collection: Picasso Ceramics

The 2024 MMCA Lee Kun-hee Collection: Picasso Ceramics, prepared jointly by the National Asian Culture Center and the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Korea(MMCA), unveils 107 pieces of Picasso ceramics from the Lee Kun-hee Collection, which was donated to the MMCA in 2021

The 2024 MMCA<br> 
Lee Kun-hee Collection: Picasso Ceramics
  • Date2024.7.16.(TUE) ~ 9.29.(SUN)
  • Time(TUE–SUN) 10:00–18:00
    (WED, SAT) 10:00–20:00
    * Closed every Monday
  • PlaceSpace 4
  • Age LimitAll ages
  • Price Free
  • TicketNonguided exhibition
  • Contact+82-1899-5566

Lee Kun-hee Collection: Picasso Ceramics
The 2024 MMCA Lee Kun-hee Collection: Picasso Ceramics, prepared jointly by the National Asian Culture Center and the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Korea(MMCA), unveils 107 pieces of Picasso ceramics from the Lee Kun-hee Collection, which was donated to the MMCA in 2021. This touring exhibition sheds light on Pablo Picasso's world of ceramics, highlighting his genius in modern art and pioneering contributions to contemporary sculpture. Picasso, who viewed the world with a free and innovative perspective, is hailed as a genius of modern art and a leader in Cubism. Until his final years, he never ceased to pursue new challenges and experiments. To him, the sculptural qualities inherent in ceramics brought forth new inspiration for expressing his works in three dimensions.

The period when Picasso delved into ceramics coincided with the zenith of his unique painting style. Thus, his perspective of observing, analyzing, and substituting objects with artworks was directly reflected in his pottery. This signifies Picasso's endowment of sculptural significance to ceramics as a new mode of expression in painting, beyond its functional and utilitarian value. His playful and painterly ceramic works enabled free expression through the characteristics of the materials, elevating the artistic status of ceramic art.

This exhibition categorizes Picasso's ceramic works into nine themes, aiming to present Picasso's unique personality and a new paradigm for ceramics. Through Picasso’s playful and whimsical ceramics, we hope you this exhibition provide an opportunity to explore one’s inner purity and broaden perspective on the world.
  • Woman Lamp, 1955 White earthenware clay, engobe and grey patina decoration, partial glaze 35X18X14cm
  • Fish Subject, 1952 Red earthenware clay, engobe decoration 16X22X8cm
  • Large Bird and Black Face, 1951 White earthenware clay, engobe decoration, knife engraved 50X47X38cm
  • Face with Mask, 1956 White earthenware clay, white enamel and oxides decoration, glaze 31X31X4cm
  • Four Dancers, 1956 White earthenware clay, black patina decoration, Partial glaze 24X24X1cm
  • Landscape, 1953 White earthenware clay, engobe decoration, knife engraved, partial glaze 41X41X4.5cm
Place Info.

ACC Creation, Space 4

Copyright(C) National Asian Culture Center. All rights reserved

38 Munhwajeondang-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61485, Republic of Korea


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  1. 이름: [미등록]
  2. 연락처: [미등록]
  3. 주소: [미등록]