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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center

Film Screening

Experience the unique cinematic world of Riar Rizaldi, where past, present, and future collide. Explore the intricate relationships between humanity, nature, and technology, as reality and the surreal merge to offer you fresh perspectives.

Film Screening
  • DateSeptember 27 (Fri) ~ 29(Sun), 2024
  • Time10:00 ~ 18:00
  • PlaceMultipurpose Studio, 3D Video Production Room
  • Age LimitMust be 19 or older
  • Price Free
  • TicketNo booking required
  • Contact+82-1899-5566

Visitor Guide

Booking and Visitors Notification

This film is rated for viewers aged 19 and over. It includes scenes of smoking, physical violence, strong language and profanity, and sexual content. Viewer discretion is advised as these elements may be uncomfortable for some audience members.
Warning: Contains Smoking, Violence, Strong Language, and Sexual Content
  • Smoking: Scenes of characters smoking are included.
  • Violent Scenes: Includes scenes of physical assault and fights.
  • Strong Language: Features strong language and profanity.
  • Sexual Content: Contains sexual content.
ACT Festival 2024
Film Screening
Indonesian filmmaker Riar Rizaldi crafts a unique cinematic universe that explores the intersections of reality and the surreal, science and metaphysics, as well as Eastern and Western philosophical traditions. His films often transport viewers to the future, where past, present, and future intertwine in complex relationships.

No, 곡명, 작곡가로 나열된 표

Title Running time
MONISME 115' 55"
FOSSILIS 12' 56"
Rizaldi turns to the volcanic activity of Mount Merapi to explore the intricate relationship between humanity and nature. Through stories of volcanologists, sand miners, and mystics, the film depicts how humans interact with and are shaped by their natural environment. This blend of reality and fiction was showcased at MoMA, prompting deep reflections on the bond between nature and humanity.
The film is the first in a series that reconfigures and interrelates two parallel modes of inquiry into the nature of reality. Formatted as a Hanna-Barbera and early Disney animation short set in the distant future—moving images that format was frequently used as tools of science communication in the mid-20th century—it rehearses a conversation between two cosmologists about the presence of God in atoms. Mirage 0 merges physics with Malay-Indonesian Sufi metaphysics, depicting a dialogue between cosmologists as they ponder the existence of God within atoms, reinterpreting Western science through a pluralistic lens.
Fossilis, set against the backdrop of a southern tropical landscape buried in electronic waste, reimagines the past and illuminates the future’s technological legacy through a dreamlike sci-fi narrative. This film blurs the lines between digital and physical realms by using actual e-waste as artistic material.
Notes from Gog Magog
Notes from Gog Magog delves into techno-horror, exploring the eerie connections between technology, economy, and spectral cultural elements, set in Korea and Indonesia.
In an alternative future of Indonesia, when nuclear technology reaches the point of generating an artificial sun for endless energy resources, a lazy philosopher Sajad Ali wandering around seeks a place to sleep. Told in a semi-essayistic approach, Sajad Ali reflects the dynamics of nuclear technology in the future, the politics of materiality through the search for minerals such as thorium in Indonesia, as well as the complexity of nuclear issue in the tropics and its tension with ecology, energy consumption, nation-state, and productivity.
Tellurian Drama
May 5th, 1923. The Dutch East Indies government celebrated the opening of a new radio station in West Java. It was called Radio Malabar. In March 2020, the local Indonesian government plans to reactivate the station as a historical site and tourist attraction. Tellurian Drama imagines what would have happened in between : the vital role of mountain in history; colonial ruins as an apparatus for geoengineering technology; and the invisible power of indigenous ancestral. Narrated based on the forgotten text written by a prominent pseudo-anthropologist Drs. Munarwan, Tellurian Drama problematizes the notion of decolonisation, geocentric technology, and historicity of communication
Director Introduction
Riar Rizaldi
works as an artist and filmmaker. He works predominantly with the medium of moving images and sound, both in the black-box of cinema settings as well spatial presentation as installation. His artistic practice focuses mostly on the relationship between technology, labour, and nature, worldviews, genre cinema, and the possibility of theoretical fiction.
Place Info.

ACC Creation, Multipurpose Studio, 3D Video Production Room

Copyright(C) National Asian Culture Center. All rights reserved

38 Munhwajeondang-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61485, Republic of Korea


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  1. 이름: [미등록]
  2. 연락처: [미등록]
  3. 주소: [미등록]