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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center

Special Reading Room Program [Archive Club]
Indonesia’s Arts and Social Transformation in the Long Twentieth-Century

With the guidance of Professor Sony Karsono (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies), we will explore how Indonesia’s modern and contemporary society and art have transformed from Sudjojono to Dolorosa Sinaga (Korean-English consecutive interpretation will be provided).

Special Reading Room Program [Archive Club]<br>Indonesia’s Arts and Social Transformation in the Long Twentieth-Century
  • DateOct. 16, 2024 (WED)
  • Time19:00-20:30
  • PlaceSpecial Reading Room
  • Age LimitAll citizens
  • Seating30 participants
  • Price Free
  • TicketWeb Page / On-site registration
  • Contact+82-1899-5566

October Program
From Sudjojono to Dolorosa Sinaga: Indonesia’s Arts and Social Transformation in the Long Twentieth-Century
With the guidance of Professor Sony Karsono (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies), we will explore how Indonesia’s modern and contemporary society and art have transformed from Sudjojono to Dolorosa Sinaga (Korean-English consecutive interpretation will be provided).
“Archive Club” – 2nd Half of 2024

No, 곡명, 작곡가로 나열된 표

Date and Time Theme Instructors
Sep. 12, 2024 (THU), 15:00 *THU (Not WED) Real-Asia-Realism Seo Dong-jin (Kaywon University of Art and Design)
Oct. 16, 2024 (WED), 19:00 From Sudjojono to Dolorosa Sinaga: Indonesia’s Arts and Social Transformation in the Long Twentieth-Century Sony Karsono (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
Nov. 13, 2024 (WED), 19:00 Korean Youth Culture and the Small Theater Movement in the 1970s Kim Ki-ran (Theater Critic, Chief Editor of Monthly “Korean Theater”)
Dec. 7, 2024 (SAT), 13:00 *SAT (Not WED) ACC Archive Research Group Public Seminar 2024 ACC Archive Research Group
* 프로그램 시간은 현장 상황에 따라 변동될 수 있습니다.
October Program
“From Sudjojono to Dolorosa Sinaga: Indonesia's Arts and Social Transformation in the Long Twentieth-Century”
Today, as a nation state, Indonesia is 79 years old. From the 1920s, Indonesia, as a society, has experienced major changes in politics, economy, and technology. These include the national revolution (1945-1949), the anti-communist genocide of 1965-1966, rapid economic growth in 1966-1997, and the euphoria over—and disillusionment with—democratization in 1998-2024. With this in mind, it might be fruitful to ask the questions: What is modern Indonesian art? What does it mean to be a modern Indonesian person and a modern Indonesian artist? Asking such questions may generate insights into how society and art have shaped each other in modern Indonesia. To understand modern Indonesian art in today’s context, it might be useful to examine the ideas held by several of the country’s major artists and art movements. They are Sindudarsono Sudjojono and the PERSAGI (Union of Indonesian Painters); Hendra Gunawan and the Lekra (Institue of People’s Art); Dede Eri Supria and the Gerakan Seni Rupa Baru (New Art Movement); and Dolorosa Sinaga and human rights activism.
Sony Karsono
Associate Professor, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Global Campus, Yongin
Sony Karsono is associate professor in the Department of Malay-Indonesian Interpretation and Translation at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Global Campus, Yongin. He teaches the geography, history, and culture of the Malay World. He received his PhD in history from Ohio University. His recent publications, scholarly and literary, include: “The City, the Body and the World of Things: A Microhistory of New Order Jakarta’s Accelerated Modernization,” Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 178, no. 2–3 (2022); the award-winning short story collection Sentimentalisme Calon Mayat [Sentimental Overtures to Death] (2023); and “The Making of a Sculptor: The Life, Art, and Politics of Dolorosa Sinaga,” in Dolorosa Sinaga: Body, Form, Matter (Somalaing Art Studio, 2019). His research focuses on the emotional history of Southeast Asia’s capitalist transformation.
  • The Special Reading Room is on B4 of the Asia Culture Museum. From the information desk of the Museum, head toward the exhibition hall on the right, and take elevator no. 9 next to the DLAC gift shop to move to B4.
  • Programs start on time. If you cannot attend after registration, please be sure to cancel your registration for those on the waiting list. Two or more no-shows may result in restrictions on joining future programs.
  • Food and beverages are not allowed in the Special Reading Room. You can use the water dispenser next to the information desk on B3.
  • Parking passes are not granted for free programs.
Place Info.

ACC Archive&Research, Special Reading Room

Copyright(C) National Asian Culture Center. All rights reserved

38 Munhwajeondang-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61485, Republic of Korea


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