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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center

ACC Cinematheque Regular Screening October

ACC Cinematheque × Korean Film Archive
Special Works in Korean Animation, Part 2

ACC Cinematheque Regular Screening October
  • DateOct. 27–28, 2022 (THU–FRI)
  • Time15:00, 19:00
  • PlaceTheater 3
  • Age LimitFor all ages
  • Seating100 seats (first come, first served)
  • Price Free of charge
  • TicketFree admission
  • Contact+82-70-7766-7668 / Instagram @artmo2mo
    * For group visits


ACC Cinematheque
ACC Cinematheque × Korean Film Archive
Special Works in Korean Animation, Part 2
The ACC Cinematheque hosts monthly exchange programs with distinguished domestic film festivals in Korea.
The program’s fifth iteration will screen Korean animations for a second time through the cooperation of the Korean Film Archive.

With the movie critic Heo Namwoong’s lecture “’Robot Taekwon V’: The Past, Present, and Future of Korean Robots,” three Korean animations, namely, “Robot Taekwon V,” “Dokgo Tak - Throw to the Sun,” and “Eunhajeonseol Tera (The Galaxy Legend Tera)” will be screened.

This autumn, take a trip down memory lane with K-animations!
날짜, 테마, 주제, 강연자로 나열된 표
Theater 3 Oct.27 (THU) Oct.28 (FRI)
15:00 ※ 15:00-16:00 Lecture
“‘Robot Taekwon V’
: The Past, Present, Future of Korean Robots”
(Lecturer: Movie critic Heo Namwoong)
“Dokgo Tak- Throw to the Sun”
For all ages

(77 minutes, Park Siok)
19:00 “Robot Taekwon V”
For all ages

(76 minutes, Kim Chunggi)
“Eunhajeonseol Tera”
For all ages

(73 minutes, Hong Sangman)
※ For group reservations, call +82-70-7766-7668 or DM @artmo2mo on Instagram
LectureOct. 27 (THU) 15:00 –16:00
“‘Robot Taekwon V’: The Past, Present, and Future of Korean Robots”

“‘Robot Taekwon V’: The Past, Present, and Future of Korean Robots”


The lecture examines why Robot Taekwon V, which first premiered in the 1970s, is still considered the representative Korean robot.

Lecturer: Movie critic Heo Namwoong

The former journalist in Ddanzi online daily news’ movie section and FILM 2.0 currently writes about and discusses movies. He’s also a regular guest in radio shows such as the “Heo Jiwoong Show” (SBS Radio), “Kim Taehoon’s Freeway,” and “Hwang Jungmin’s Music Show” and the podcast “Yeongkwaehandam” (Kino Lights).

ScreeningOct. 27 (THU) 19:00
“Robot Taekwon V,” 76 min, Kim Chunggi, for all ages

Dr. Kaf, who develops Taekwon V with Dr. Kim, is mocked by people because of his looks despite his genius brain. Out of his hatred for the world rooting from his inferiority complex, he establishes the Red Empire for revenge.
After the Red Empire is established, Dr. Kaf disguises himself as Malcolm and wages a war against the world, but his ambition is thwarted by Taekwon V every time.
As Taekwon V forces its way to the headquarters of Red Empire, Dr. Kaf himself confronts it, riding a Yonggari Robot, together with martial arts robots.

ScreeningOct. 28 (FRI) 15:00
“Dokgo Tak – Throw to the Sun,” 77 min, Park Siok, for all ages

After a defeat by the US team in a world baseball championship, Director Kim Seokwon looks for a new coach for his baseball team. He comes to Gangwon-do to find Dokgo Ryong, who isolates himself from society, but finds him dead and brings Dokgo Tak, Dokgo Ryong’s son, to Seoul. Director Kim soon discovers Tak’s talent for baseball and enrolls him in Woosoo High School. Tak enters a high school baseball competition and garners consecutive wins with his amazing skill. Tak’s uncle sees Tak on TV by chance and contacts his mom, and Tak plans to meet her. However, Tak is disappointed to see his mom with her fiancé and hurts his hand from an accident at a construction site. Despite his injury, Tak enters the final match against Daeheung High School but struggles in the hard battle.
The animation is based on the legendary baseball comics by Lee Sangmu and is the first of the series of “Dokgo Tak” films.

ScreeningOct. 28 (FRI) 19:00
“Eunhajeonseol Tera,” 73 min, Hong Sangman, for all ages

Han Taeil wakes up in a sleep capsule and thinks he has arrived on a new planet, Sirius. He begins his exploration and rescues Woo Yangyang and Woo Ari and finds out he’s on Earth.
As a member of the Sirius Expedition Team, he confronts Queen Hwanma, who wants to rule the Earth.

  • All films are screened free of charge. Visitors choose their seat on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Food is prohibited in the venue to guarantee an optimal viewing experience.
  • Visitors under the restricted age may be prohibited from entering the venue. We ask our visitors to refrain from moving during screening. Photography or filming is prohibited. Please refrain from actions that may disturb the other viewers.
Yearly Schedule
Yearly Schedule
날짜, 테마, 주제, 강연자로 나열된 표
Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
30-1 (Jul) 28-29 25-26 22-23 27-28 Nov. 23, 2022 –
Feb, 19, 2023
Jeonju International Film Festival’s Top Picks Korean Film Archive’s Restoration, Vol. I Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival’s Top Picks From Experimental Film and Video Festival in Seoul Korean Film Archive’s Restoration, Vol. II Special Exhibition
“Basic Instincts on Video”
Busan International Film Festival’s Top Picks
※ The November program will be held for five days in conjunction with the “ACC Marginalized Film Festival” (tentative title).
※ The schedule and the theme of the program may be subject to change.
Place Info.

ACC Theater, Theater 3

Copyright(C) National Asian Culture Center. All rights reserved

38 Munhwajeondang-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61485, Republic of Korea


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  1. 이름: [미등록]
  2. 연락처: [미등록]
  3. 주소: [미등록]