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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center

2024 ACC Workshop for Global Professionals III
Creative Day Camp

The (overseas) worshop to enhance the international competence of Korean preliminary professionals (university students) through creative experience in collaboration with M+ (Hong Kong).

2024 ACC Workshop for Global Professionals III<br>
Creative Day Camp
  • DateJul. 22–28 (MON–SUN), 2024
    ※ Workshop: Jul. 23–27 (TUE–SAT), 2024
    ※ Preregistration: Jun. 18–26 (TUE–WED), 2024, by 18:00
  • Time10:30-20:00
  • PlaceM+ Hong Kong and local arts and cultural organizations in Hong Kong
  • Age LimitStudents of Korean nationality currently enrolled in domestic and overseas art colleges and universities
  • Seating15 individuals
  • TicketApplication via Email Sungheecho1002@korea.kr
  • Contact+82-62-601-4315
  • TuitionSee details

2024 ACC Workshop for Global Professionals III
Creative Day Camp
The Asia Culture Center (ACC) will host the Creative Day Camp program in collaboration with the M+ Museum on July 22–28, 2024. This program, open to students enrolled in domestic and overseas art colleges and universities, offers opportunities to explore ways to materialize creativity and techniques for artistic expression with artists at the M+ in Hong Kong, along with hands-on, creative experiences. The process and final outputs of the creative works will be showcased at “Young People Summer Takeover,” a festival held by M+.
We look forward to the active participation of students majoring in relevant fields.
Creative Day Camp
Creative Day Camp is a workshop program for young people to experiment with their unlimited creative potential. During the four-day course, participants will reflect on the essence of artistic creation by working closely with artists, exploring various techniques for expression through diverse mediums, and gaining insight into how the theme of the Camp relates to our daily lives. This process encompasses self-discovery through dialogue, play, exploration, practice, and sharing experiences with other like-minded participants. In addition to the workshop, participants will draw inspiration from the collections in the M+ exhibitions and transform everyday moments into creative works with the instructor outside the museum.
Application Guidelines
Download the application form and announcement +
Program Overview
  • Course TitleM+ Creative Day Camp × ACC
  • DatesJul. 22–28 (MON–SUN), 2024 * Creative Day Camp Workshop: Jul. 23– 27 (TUE–SAT), 2024
  • Intended Audience15 students of Korean nationality enrolled in domestic and overseas art colleges and universities
  • ContentIn collaboration with Hong Kong M+ Museum’s signature program, “Creative Day Camp,” this program enables young generations (college and university students) in Korea and Hong Kong to explore how to materialize their creativity. Participants will learn techniques for artistic expression and gain hands-on experience in collaborative creation with local artists.
  • Participating ArtistsWai Pong Yu (Visual Art), Amie Chan (Clay Art, 2 Square Metres (Social Design Group)
  • Running timeThis program is delivered in English and Cantonese.
  • 15 students of Korean nationality enrolled in art universities in Korea and abroad
  • ※Majors: Design, photography, fine arts, crafts, and other practical majors in visual arts
  • ※ Art-related majors mainly with practical curriculum, such as cultural arts management and convergence majors, are included.
  • Students who are willing to participate and collaborate actively in the workshop and have excellent communication skills
  • Students meeting the following language requirements (Language scores must be submitted)
  • Students proficient in the languages needed for workshop participation (English or Cantonese)
  • ※ The M+ program will be delivered in English and Cantonese.
  • Korean nationality with no disqualification for overseas travel
  • Attendance in pretraining and orientation is compulsory (Absence will lead to cancelation of the application).
Language Score Requirements
상세내용을 나타낸 표
Seoul National University (SNU)
SNU Language Test (SNULT)
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS)
Busan University of Foreign Studies (BUFS)
(Level II)
71 60 (600) 5.5 70 675 IM 140 (Level 6) 327
  • Language scores received within three (3) years prior to May 31, 2024 (will be accepted only (scores after May 31, 2021)
  • Applicants with more than one year of overseas study or exchange student experience in English- or Cantonese-speaking countries can be exempted from language requirements (as of May 31, 2024)
Documents to be submitted
상세내용을 나타낸 표
No. Documents to be submitted Quantity Remarks
1  Application Form (Korean) 1 copy Designated format
 Application Form (English) 1 copy Designated format
2  Personal Statement (Korean) 1 copy Designated format
 Personal Statement (English) 1 copy  Designated format
3  Language Certification 1 copy  Scores received within three (3) years prior to May 31, 2024 (after May 31, 2021) will be accepted only.
4  Proof of enrollment 1 copy  Should be issued within the last six (6) months
5  Consent for Collection and Use of Personal Information 1 copy Designated format
Opening Announcement and Submission of Application
  • Application Period: Jun. 18–26 (TUE–WED), 2024, by 18:00
  • Application Method: Email submission (Sungheecho1002@korea.kr)Download the application form and announcement +
  • Download and complete the “Application Form” from the detailed program page on the ACC website and submit via email with other pertinent documents
  • Postal and in-person submissions are not accepted.
  • Please submit all documents and materials in electronic file (PDF) format.
  • ※ All materials must be in A4 size, portrait orientation
Participant Selection and Evaluation Plan
  • Evaluation Method: Participants will be selected through document screening and interview (evaluators are composed of external experts)
  • Evaluation Schedule
  • Document screening: Jun. 27, 2024 (THU)
  • Interview: Scheduled for the afternoon of Jul. 1, 2024 (MON)
  • Result announcement: Jul. 3, 2024 (WED)
  • Pretraining and Orientation: Jul. 13, 2024 (SAT) (Attendance is compulsory. Absence will lead to cancellation of the application.)
Participating Artists
Wai Pong Yu Go to Website +
Studying Fine Arts at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Pongyu expresses his feelings and mind processes with a single, continuous line in his artworks, created with a ballpoint pen and ink on paper. His artworks often have themes that explore the concept of universe, time, and nature in metaphysical forms. Various international collections, including Hong Kong M+, the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco and the Ashmolean Museum of Oxford University, hold Wai’s works. In recent years, he has operated an open studio project, inviting people to share their stories and express them through paintings. During this workshop, he will inspire participants in a wide range of ways to explore their surrounding environment. His work is currently on display at M+’s Shan Shui: Echoes and Signals.
* Source: Wai Pong Yu website
Amie Chan Nga Man Go to Website +
Credit: Reds Cheung
A graduate of the Academy of Visual Arts of Hong Kong Baptist University, majoring in visual arts and a postgraduate in visual culture studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Amie emphasizes the combination of ceramics, clay, and the environment in her artworks. She is interested in the relationship between ceramics and people. As a founding member of Laichankee Studio (https://www.laichankee.com/), she explores community, art education projects, and performances. While sharing her artistic practice, Amie will inspire participants to explore themselves through materials and the ceramics-making process during the workshop.
* Source: Laichankee Studio website
2 Square Metres Go to Website +
Credit: Courtesy of Artist
Kate Lau and Olive Wong established a studio focusing on social design. Landscape design and reinterpretation of community experiences are activities that Kate Lau and Olive Wong engage in. They strive to provide people-centered, community-responsive, humanistic spatial design and innovative solutions. In 2023, 2 Square Metres operated various social engagement projects, including the Lai Chi Wo Village Garden. Based on their experience, participants will observe the community and learn how their ideas are transformed into community engagement projects.
* Source: 2 Square Metres website

Copyright(C) National Asian Culture Center. All rights reserved

38 Munhwajeondang-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61485, Republic of Korea


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