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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center

2024–25 Children’s Book Playground: Let’s be Friends with Books
“Adventure of Gurgur and Three Friends”

Original artwork exhibition of the picture books “Three Friends” and “Gaegulgaegul Goraegorae,”
adapted from ACC Creation children’s performances based on Asian stories.

2024–25 Children’s Book Playground: Let’s be Friends with Books<br>
“Adventure of Gurgur and Three Friends”
  • DateAugust 3, 2024 (SAT) – July 6, 2025 (SUN)
  • Time10:00–18:00
    * Closed every Monday
  • PlacePlay Library
  • Age LimitAll ages
  • Price Free
  • TicketNonguided exhibition
  • Contact+82-1899-5566
  • Hosted byNational Asia Culture Center (ACC)
  • Curated and Produced byNational Asia Culture Center Foundation

2024-25 어린이 책 놀이터 너나들이 구르구르와 세친구의 모험 우리우리 다함께 떠나가자!
Kim Hyewon, author of “Three Friends,” and Park Hyunmin, author of “Gaegulgaegul Goraegorae”
Original Artwork Exhibition of Picture Books
  • Exhibition Period
    August 3, 2024 (SAT) –
    July 6, 2025 (SUN)
  • Exhibition Venue
    National Asian Culture Center
    Play Library
  • Hosted by
    국립아시아문화전당 로고
  • Curated and Produced by
    국립아시아문화전당재단 로고
Download Leaflet +
태양은 밤이 되면 어디로 가는 걸까? 왜 비가 내리지 않을까요?

Join Frog Gurgur and three friends on an adventure
to discover the secrets of the sun and rain!
This exhibition features the original artwork from “Three Friends” and “Gaegulgaegul Goraegorae,”
showcasing the journey of animal friends who embark on an adventure driven by their curiosity about nature,
telling a story about the wonder, order, and importance of nature.

How about finding the courage to explore a broader, new world driven by curiosity and inquisitiveness,
just like the animal friends in the picture books?

“Three Friends” and “Gaegulgaegul Goraegorae”
are picture books published by the Asia Culture Center Foundation, each adapted from ACC Creation children’s performances of the same name.

Three Friends An old story from Kazakhstan
ⓒText·Illustrations Kim Hyewon “Three Friends”
“Let’s go meet the sun!”
“For the sun to work hard to shine on the world,
don’t you think it needs to sleep at night just like you do?”
“Three Friends” tells the story of a young goat, a lamb, and a calf
who embark on an adventure to find the sun, curious about where it goes to hide when it becomes invisible at night.
On their journey, the three friends meet Grandpa Mole, who gives them a special gift essential for meeting the sun,
and they also encounter a frightening wolf that puts them in danger.
Eventually, the three friends become so exhausted that they fall asleep…
Will they be able to uncover the secret of the sun?

“Three Friends” is a picture book adapted from a children’s performance produced by ACC,
based on the Central Asian Kazakh nomadic folktale “The Story of Three Friends.”
Gaegulgaegul Goraegorae
An old story from Vietnam
ⓒText· Illustrations Park Hyunmin “Gaegulgaegul Goraegorae”
“Do you know why it isn’t raining?”
“Our friends are struggling so much because it isn’t raining! Please make it rain!”
“Gaegulgaegul Goraegorae” tells the story of a brave frog named Gurgur who, along with his friends—the elephant, tiger, and deer—
embarks on a journey to find rain as they struggle through a drought.
At the end of their arduous journey, Gurgur learns from Mr. Whale that
he couldn’t bring the rain because his blowhole was blocked by plastic waste...
Will they be able to make it rain again?

“Gaegulgaegul Goraegorae,” based on the Vietnamese folktale “Why Does It Rain When Frogs Sing?,”
is a picture book adapted from a children’s performance produced by ACC.
User Information on the Play Library
  • Usage FeesFree
  • Tour HoursTUE–SUN 10:00–18:00 * Closed every Monday
ACC  국립아시아문화전당 로고, ACCF 국립아시아문화전당재단 로고
Place Info.

ACC Children, Play Library

Copyright(C) National Asian Culture Center. All rights reserved

38 Munhwajeondang-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61485, Republic of Korea


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  1. 이름: [미등록]
  2. 연락처: [미등록]
  3. 주소: [미등록]