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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center

Invited EXhibition of Outstanding Children's Content
The Fox Who Ate Books, Swallowing the library

A delightful and delicious story about Mr. Fox, a character from “The Fox Who Ate Books (Herr Fuchs mag Bücher!),” created by the author Franziska Biermann.

Invited EXhibition of Outstanding Children's Content<br>
The Fox Who Ate Books, Swallowing the library
  • Date2024. 8. 20.(Tue) ~ 10. 20.(Sun)
  • Time10:00 - 18:00
    ※ Closed every Monday
  • PlaceChildren's Event Hall
  • Age LimitEntry allowed for those ages 6 or older
  • Price Free
  • TicketNonguided exhibition
    ※ Please register in advance on the foundation’s website for the exhibition-related workshops (details to be announced later).
  • Contact+82-1899-5566
  • CooperationNational Library for Children and Young Adults
  • Sponsors Junior Gimm-Young, Franziska Biermann
  • OthersThe images used in the exhibition were provided by the artist Franziska Biermann from books published by Junior Gimm-Young. ⓒ Franziska Biermann


Invited EXhibition of Outstanding Children's Content
The Fox Who Ate Books,
Swallowing the Library
“The Fox Who Ate Books, Swallowing the Library” is an exhibition hosted by the National Asian Culture Center Foundation in 2024, inviting outstanding children’s content from National Library for Children and Young Adults. Franziska Biermann’s “Herr Fuchs mag Bücher!(The Fox Who Ate Books)”, selected as a recommended book for first graders in even 2024, has been loved by children despite being published 23 years ago in 2001. This debut novel of the author, which has sold over 900,000 copies in Korea and introduced in fourteen countries, tells the imaginative story of Mr. Fox sprinkling a pinch of salt and a little pepper after reading a book and then devouring it.

Following Mr. Fox by Franziska Biermann, who reads, eats, writes, and seeks books, children find books that suit them, develop habits of reading for health and relaxation, and improve their reading skills. Don’t miss the experience corner where children can send letters directly to the author with their own stories for the next installment of the exhibition, ‘The Fox Who Ate Books, Autumn Story’ by Franziska Biermann. It will be a joyful and valuable opportunity to meet the author in a different way.
Events meeting in the exhibition hall
S1. Let's take a break, shall we read it?
Mr. Fox reads books and comes up with a story while having a rest.
2 Mr. Fox’s Story Warehouse
Meet the AI Mr. Fox at Mr. Fox's Story
Story Warehouse Exchange
Exchange items with the story warehouse of Mr. Fox, where each item has its own tale.
S2. Shall we eat books?
The book is so yummy, I can't stand it!
3 Mr. Fox’s Kitchen
"Let's Read a Book Together and Then Eat It!"
Let’s gather around during the Chuseok holiday to read books and make and eat ‘Bread books’ together.
※ Please check the information regarding Chuseok Holidays Educational Program!
S3. How about taking a walk, and shall we draw?
I was walking through the woods, and I have just met Mira, the artist.
8 Mira’s art studio
"Draw a Portrait Like the artist Mina and Make a Mr. Fox Mask!"
Draw your portrait on a blank canvas like artist Mina, and try making a Mr. Fox mask in the workshop.
S4. Shall we find out?
Jacky Marone could not find me because of my perfect cover. “Jacky, Where am I ?”
9 Detective Jacky Marrone and the perfect cover
Let's look for the clue in the pool!
While looking for clues in a pool filled with balls and moving your body hard, exercise and experience things of different colors and shapes
S5. Shall we write a letter?
My story would be chosen for the Mr. Fox Autumn Story!
10 Let’s write a letter to Franziska Biermann.
Dear Franziska Biermann! “Please write the wonderful autumn story that you have experienced.”
Experience to send a letter regarding children’s autumn story, which could be included in Franziska Biermann’s next book, ‘The Fox Who Ate Books, Autumn Story’.
11 Let’s send a letter in the autumn.
Please put a letter in the Giant Robot's mouth. It'll be delivered to the artist Franziska Biermann!
About the Artist
Franziska Biermann
Franziska Biermann was born in Bielefeld, Germany, and studied at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences for Design. She has been writing and drawing children's books since 1999. In 2002, Franziska Biermann, who is also known as an author, received the Troisdorf Picture Book Prize for her book "Herr Fuchs mag Bücher". This book has already been staged as a play in Kiel and Cologne in 2007 and 2008. Since 2001, the story of the book-eating fox has also been published in Korea and is a great success. There is also a theatre adaptation in the form of a musical. In total, "Fox Who Ate Books(Herr Fuchs mag Bücher)" has been translated into 14 languages.
And Franziska Biermann has been writing the series of the adventures of Jacky Marrone with the ’fox who ate books’ since 2017, which are published by dtv. The first volume, "Jacky Marrone chases the Golden paw(Jacky Marrone jagt die Goldpfote)", was on the nomination list for the German Children's Literature Award 2019.

In Germany, Franziska Biermann is now a well-known children's book author and illustrator and has built up a small fan base with various books. Together with her husband, the musician Nils Kacirek, she established a music picture book series, which was published by Carlsen Verlag in Hamburg. This series attempts to rearrange the traditional nursery rhymes that are not often sung yet are relevant to times. The first book in this series, "Christmas Tree(Am Weihnachtsbaume)", was a great success. Therefore, the interesting, interdisciplinary collaboration was continued with the books "Circus(Zirkus)" in 2009, "Congratulations, Little Chicken(Herzlichen Glückwunsch, kleines Huhn)" in 2012, "The World is Beautiful(Schön ist die Welt)" in 2015 and "Eddie the squirrel and the Incredible Birthday Gift(Eddi Eichhorn und das unglaubliche Geburtstagsdings)" in 2017.

As a graduate of the Academy for Children's Media, Franziska Biermann is not only interested in stories that are told in books. For her film project "Robert, the Super Rabbit!(Robert, das Superkaninchen!)" she received screenplay funding from the Filmförderung Hamburg-Schleswig-Holstein in 2020.
Franziska Biermann is the winner of the Baumhaus-Boje Media Prize and received the Prize of the Young Literature Houses in 2021.
She lives with her family in Hamburg writing stories.

source : https://franziskabiermann.de/vita/
Participatory Creators
National Library for Children and Young Adults
or Gimm-Young, Franziska Biermann
Participatory Creators
Design for Space & Objects, Installation
Human Motion Recognition based on on A.I.
This exhibition, originally co-hosted in 2023 by the National Library for Children and Young Adults and the Goethe-Institut Korea under the title “The Fox Who Ate Books, Swallowing Libraries,” was newly planned and produced by the National Asian Cultural Center Foundation as the National Asian Cultural Center version.
Place Info.

ACC Children, Children's Event Hall

Copyright(C) National Asian Culture Center. All rights reserved

38 Munhwajeondang-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61485, Republic of Korea


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